Hak Pack Heads not Loading on Login

Started by Abandoned-1, October 25, 2013, 08:20:12 AM

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I have this issue, and i'm not sure if anyone else if having the same problem, so feel free to post if you are.

Basically the problem is that I start the server up using the launcher, it goes through the routine checks, confirms I have everything installed, and takes me in game. However, sometimes i'll see people walking around with their Hak heads, but other times something goes wrong and I see people walking around without heads.

Just to be clear, the headless people are people whom I have seen with their heads intact before.

I'm wondering if this affects other people, or if it's just me. If so, does it affect you only after using the EFU launcher, or the NWN launcher? Maybe both? Any input is appreciated.

Currently playing: Quass al Quadra


Just make sure you've entered /c haks on