Unmodified Barbarian rage perk bug?

Started by wundyweiss, October 24, 2013, 09:02:42 AM

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Level 5: 10% Damage Immunity
Level 7: 20% Damage Immunity
Level 8: 20% Total movement speed bonus

QuoteOriginally Posted by Rage
+4 STR, +4 CON, +2 Will, -2 AC.
Duration: 7 rounds + CON mod before raging.

Charisma modifiers to STR/CON when raging.
Level 1 rage is capped at +4/+4 (Total)
Level 4 rage is capped at +6/+6
Level 8 rage is capped at +8/+8
Level 10 rage uncapped

On my current PC Garrik Horvast, I have 14 charisma, which should mean I will get 6/6 bonuses with my rage at level four (which I am). However, when I do rage it is only 5/5 bonuses. I've rested, relogged, changed zones, etc, and nothing worked. It might be using my 12 wisdom modifier (I can't confirm, but I only have one 12 ability score which is wisdom), which would be the reason why I would get 5/5 bonuses instead of 6/6 as intended.

Please look into this, thank you.



Tested, still 5/5 bonuses.


Wait for next reset, it may have not yet happened.


Oh I thought it had resetted. Sorry, my mistake!