Spellsword Perk.. missing feats

Started by Hatsune24, October 24, 2013, 05:15:54 AM

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The "Spellsword" Perk for sorcerers doesn't seem to be applying the Weapon Proficiencies that the forums list that it should be.

Have tried relogging, as well as contacting a DM in game, no luck.

-- Nevermind! Seems upon leveling again, it applied them to the character. Just doesn't seem they don't count for Taking other feats (I.E. Can't Focus in a Martial or Exotic weapon)


And that has been stated as intended, by the way :) It will let you equip them but if you want to focus in one you're going to have to tough it out and get some real training and take the proficiency feat personally.


Resting and walking into another area are other ways of finding the "missing" feats.

Not being able to take weapon focus is undesirable, but that is a limitation with how the perks are done. It'll not be changed.