Ranger Favored Enemy Bonuses: Elemental+Dragon

Started by The Crimson Magician, October 24, 2013, 04:03:09 AM

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The Crimson Magician

PC name is Orsius Sepabra and he is a multiclass ranger/barbarian with at least 5 levels of ranger, though I'm not receiving any of the bonuses that are listed on the perks page (Favored Enemies: Dragon and Elemental). I've tried resting, waiting for a reset, resetting perks/abilities through the crafting menu, changing areas, pretty much anything I could think off.


Character Tolman Greybridge is also experiencing this bug as a ranger multiclass. Most noticeable is the lack of added damage to one of his favored enemies, which leads me to believe I am not receiving other bonuses.


Ranger Perks are for Pure Rangers, no?


Either fixed or wrecked the system next reset. Cursed be the non-pure ranger perks :(

The Crimson Magician

As of 5 AM GMT 10/25/13, favored enemy bonuses are still not coming up. I am still receiving the base bonuses, including the attack bonuses for both elementals and dragons.

The Crimson Magician