Active DMs

Started by putrid_plum, July 23, 2017, 06:52:44 PM

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Can be get some active DMing?  A suggestion is to put some players that want to you know log in everyday not sit in IRC channel instead of playing?  DMing is great when it happens but I don't get the point of putting players as DMs if they don't want to or don't have the time to play.  Tons of players have great or long play times per day that would really make a great fit for a DM, to BE THERE and PUSH STORIES and make it more exciting than crushing the same quests 90,000 times or resorting to some odd PvP to entertain ones self.  Seems a legit suggestion.  Thanks.


Many of those same players have fast found something less demanding to do when they became DM's. Even when folks have time, they will sooner or later be burned out putting all that time in, and then they will instinctively need to do something else, and at times it pushes them to leave for good. It is not such a simple matter. It has never been, and it will never be, I am afraid.

For that reason activity is simply not enough as a measurement of DM. There's the will of wanting to do, understanding some responsibilities coming along with the job (In many ways it is a job, and you get paid nothing for it, so you got to see it and accept it as such without letting it take you down). As always, on top of this filtering there are factors of personality, history, general attitude and manners. Activity + success as a player, whether it's worth it to take them out of the playerbase, whether there are other factors to consider. Then there's the brutal and honest "Can the other people involved get along with everyone". While there are times when many people cannot be active all the time, there is often things happening behind the scenes in daily basis. Building, planning, designing, debugging, etc. All people that are involved need to be able to get along with anyone joining the team, otherwise it's back to square zero if you get one in, and have another walk out at the same time.

All of these factors in play, when something is considered a hobby and you cannot use 8 hours a day on it, makes it more complicated than just taking people in for activity. I don't got an answer for any of it. It's the same issue that has been on the table as long as I can remember since CoA playtimes.


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Activity has undeniably been a bit lackluster lately, but it's nothing new to have the occasional spell of it. I will try to keep an eye out for needs of more DM attention.