Make more stuff animatable

Started by Dash, February 17, 2009, 01:19:20 PM

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There are lots of corpses and dead stuff found on quests, but few if any of them seem to be animatable from what I have found. I think it would be cooler if when you stumble upon stuff like bodies, skulls, etc. that "animate dead" spell that dedicated necromancers always have prepared could be put to another use than raising that shambling zombie.

I can has fun?

Wholeheartedly support.


Very much in favour. It seems just Gob Corpses, but then I never played an animator. Skulls should be able to summon floaty skulls IMO.



Yes plz.

Great Lizard Corpses, Under Leopards!


LOL this is just a boost for necromancers :P. But I support this heartfully.


I guess this will involve either creating a few ambient bits w/ script & specific summon. Or going through our loot tables and making every random corpse animatable.


How much work would that take? Because stuff doesn't even need to be super powerful to be cool.

And like, also:

I think it would be awesome if monster's you kill had a chance to drop their own corpse and be animatable.

Would that take a lot of work?


Yeah, it would. But I'll see what I can do.


Okay, fine, but can we up the number of special corpse items then, Snoteye?

Or maybe like, add one animatable corpse of the specific monster found on the quest somewhere along the way?

For example, an animatable body of  a harpy or something that is always, or at least has a chance of appearing about in harpies? Same for orcs, trogs, etc. ?

I've seriously tried to animate a lot of the random corpses/skulls/body parts that are lying around and the only one I've found to work has been the one the goblin sells.


Snoteye doesn't know what he's talking about because he doesn't know what I got in mind for it so just ignore his post for now.


Okay sweet.

Yay necromancing stuff!


Ohyes! This idea would definitely bring in more psychotic necromancers. Me being one of them, I'm sure >_<

But yeah! I love the idea and I am all in favour for it! :D


I know full well what I was talking about. I was only commenting on the suggestion. Increasing the number and variety of corpse items is an entirely separate thing from making monsters "drop their corpses."

Luke Danger

Bit of a non sequitor, but since we're on the animating subject anyways, is there a reason PC corpses aren't animatable?


I want to add to this suggestion, I think its a really cool idea, but should also come at some kind of cost. Is there a way to make it so that there is some kind of gold fee attached to this? So that the more powerful the corpse animated, the higher the cost in gold? (something like a "brew corpse" idea).

I like animate dead, I just think it could get a little overpowered when it costs nothing to animate wild orcs or other such potentially powerful minions. Especially at the duration, which I think is 24hrs or something crazy like that?