Mezmer Bug

Started by The Marauder, October 11, 2013, 01:42:49 AM

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The Marauder

Recently, my character Nathanya reached the almighty lvl 8 *confetti spray!*

At level 8, mezmers get get two things. They get a Mass Charm ability and receive +2 to their charisma.

The token for the ability was received, but the server doesn't seem to be registering the bonus charisma. It worked -once- after sleeping in the House of Heroes, but after relogging, the bonus seems to be absent again. Sleeping is not solving the problem anymore.

Any idea what's up?


Many times you need to enter the Crafting Menu - Additional Class Perks - Reset Perk Bonuses in order to reapply these bonuses. They should then work fine until you log off.

The Marauder

Experimented. Reset 43 times.

Still not working :???:

Is it possible the module isn't recognizing the bonus because my character is sleeping out in the wilderness? It's only ever seemed to activate when sleeping in an inn.

*Update: 10/17/2013*

Bug is still running rampant. I rest in an inn recently, and it seems my theory was incorrect. Haven't been able to work around this bug since I logged after the first and only successful attempt to get the bonus applied.
