Make the Player list visible in Gamespy

Started by Sphagnum, February 16, 2009, 12:47:24 AM

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Not being able to see who/what level is IG is an amazing anti-meta gaming tool, but I really think its stopping new players from logging on as they can't see the average level-range, what names are used, races or even if there are DMs IG.
I don't think most people get familiar with EFUSL right from the start (I know I didn't), and the inability to see players IG will probably deter somebody, who's browsing the server list, from logging on and trying the server. It also stops new players from easily seeing if their friends are online.


I am in agreement, while it was also a good idea I think it also causes players to send tells asking for the class and levels of your PC, and at the meantime it may cause high level characters to pick on the lower level characters in PvP situations, unknowingly.


Yar. Um. Yes.

In all seriousness I'm in agreement.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


Quote from: Wern8;110738I am in agreement, while it was also a good idea I think it also causes players to send tells asking for the class and levels of your PC, and at the meantime it may cause high level characters to pick on the lower level characters in PvP situations, unknowingly.

This is very true.


I agree with the others on this matter. Additionally, it is really nice just to see who is on real quick. Might just be me, but I much rather just go there to see who is on then go to efusl or logging in to see who is on.


Assuming you know where it is, it's infinitely easier to use EFUSL to see who is online.

Luke Danger

I'm in agreement, it harms more then it does good.


I can understand why this might be unpopular, but I am skeptical about the reasons as proposed.

The number of players is clearly visible, I don't think any potential new player is going to be confused about it being an empty server.

The issue with people using tells to check PC level seems irrelevant.

For any veteran, surely it takes less time to click on an EFUSL bookmark than it does to load up NWN, go to EFU, and check the playerlist.

The benefits of this change to me have been really good.

We should likely add some messages explaining and mentioning EFUSL in our module description, perhaps, for the benefit of new players - but I really don't see the need to turn off this feature, as I am fairly convinced it provides some excellent benefits.


Quote from: Wern8and at the meantime it may cause high level characters to pick on the lower level characters in PvP situations, unknowingly.

This is also a problem, as much as higher level PCs knowingly picking on lower level PCs.


QuoteOriginally Posted by Wern8                                      
                 and at the meantime it may cause high level characters to pick on the lower level characters in PvP situations, unknowingly.
This is bullshit IMO. If the higher level PC's don't know them, chances are they are a low level. In extreme  cases like... for example Ayana Cain, where she was ALWAYS a low level, she was still a well established PC with loads of reasons to kill her, so there was no real issue, IMO.

It's just common sense, really. If you've never seen the PC before chances are very good they are not a high level. (Unless you are like Ommadawn and you never see anyone because your timezone sucks)

I can has fun?

I've always held the theory that new players are brought in by word of mouth more than anything else. If anyone knows differently, feel free to enlighten me.

I can't speak for a new player now, but the only reason I ever needed look at the list was to know someone's level and build after it became apparent that I was getting my ass beat in PvP because others were considering the weaknesses in mine. Suddenly it became an arms race, and the lack of the list seems to have cooled that down a bit. It brings back a certain element of surprise. I like it the way it is. Your character sheet should be between you and the DMs.

It never occurred to me that I would learn anything meaningful about a new server by making a quick scan of the player list. The things I want to know about a server aren't on that page.



I'm surprised to have to say that this is the best change in the game since challenge ratings and current magical effects were removed from descriptions.

Consider the implications deeply, and you will see how the pros outweigh the cons. By the way I am staring at more players right now than I had seen in a few sundays; through EFUSL.
Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral


I am in favor of keeping it the way it is! Hiding classes and levels is good.


Quote from: core;110761This is also a problem, as much as higher level PCs knowingly picking on lower level PCs.


PPS: I really don't get it.
Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral


Keep it the way it is, imo.
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"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

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