Greater Eyeballs

Started by ByVraccas, January 24, 2017, 05:30:13 PM

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Hello! Myself and Stranger were out and about the Lowerdark today, and decided to do something balsy. We tackled a few eyeballs.

However, in the end, "Greater Eyeballs" proved to be better than even Beholders themselves. Their initial ability stuns the target with no save. They can and do spam this ability, incapacitating entire parties.

Please, change this feature and or remove / replace it with something that is able to be "Saved" against, as it stands it is stronger than even the death gazes of a full grown beholder.

Correction, they do take immunity to mind-effecting into account. Otherwise, there is no save on their ability if you do not have immunity to mind effecting.

Haer Dalis 83

I believe they have to roll to hit you, though. Being a dwarf in full plate doesn't help.


It's a ranged touch attack, things such as full plate, sheilds, etc have do effect. Out of the dozens of Greater Eyeballs i have faced, i think the only time they have failed to land a attack is against a monk.

zDark Shadowz

Ranged touch attack that stuns the target with no other save?

Sounds similar to the default NWN death bolt ability that one of the developers of NWN rescripted, it had a save roll in the script but didn't actually include it in the execution, resulting in a default death bolt attack with no save XD

I'm not at home atm so I can't check this but look into this script I think: "nw_s1_bltstun" and see if it was meant to have a save (or maybe no save is performing as intended)