Weapon/Item smithing with or with out DM's

Started by Epi-Spell, September 25, 2013, 11:59:21 PM

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- SN and Pig a Dig well then again because t is a server of over more the 20 people this does offer a lot... but In guess this server is boldly alright at best... Oh the tales from old Estium... the personal touches... I guess i have just been spoiled by GREAT servers.  

But I get your point you will feel less valued at this point if now you cna get a forge near the Drow camp... and slay a dragon... like i get it that makes you custom items.. feel not so special...


Why do custom items = AWESOME gear OR AMAZING loot... we can ALREADY get custom tailored stuff... why cant we get our own gear to LOOK different and keep the stats? or Maybe there are NO STATS... JUST A NAME and CUSTOM appearance of what we already have! It's not like custom things are a trend in the 21st century.


I think this has continued long enough now. We don't look at how much support a suggestion has when considering implementations but even if we did -- this has the looks of someone trying very hard to get an implementation through and fighting everyone that posts against or comes up with suggestions otherwise.

The efuss skill points are further representation of your character's skills. In the beginning only the secondary line of these skills provided a minor boost to their namesake. We've since then added more variety and put them to use. At the core though, they are very much only flavour without any intended use. So there's no lies, miscommunication or false advertisements in their description. Just a misconception of what they're about.

Although we have some different crafting systems in place already, and they are a fun diversion to toy around with, they're not the pursuits we encourage or want people to do in-game. The idea has never been that you'll sink in hours creating more and more stuff to become as powerful as possible. Customization on the other hand we think is very cool and there's already ways of creating your own pieces through tailors that -- while not powerful -- show the artistry and concept of their creator. Mainly armour pieces.

Many items found on different quests have their own unique looks or style for a reason. We do not wish the Cloak of Crimson Water to be colored white, or have the Demonic Pendant of a Thousand Sins renamed and description overwritten so paladins could get away with wearing it. Rat flails wouldn't be the same without the rat as well.

We are not against ways of furthering creativity in how you're able to present your character. Modifying equipment for this purpose is an interesting topic in this regard. But frankly, even if we came up with the most amazing idea to pull this through it'd still take days or weeks to realize in a way we would wish see in-game. And any such project takes away from what we would otherwise do on the client.

Basic smithing to create simple weapons and armor wouldn't be too hard. It'll be days work for something small that a few people of our community would dabble in, then to put away as they discover more interesting and stronger pieces in-game. It'll not foster a lot of involvement for the setting story, it doesn't foster good conflict between players, it doesn't help you much in realizing your character other than the fading novelty of having created something yourself.

Weighted against spending a little time toolsetting a personal item for a character that's driven forth a story, engaged others, created rivalry and put their marks upon the gameworld in some manner or otherwise done the stuff that we encourage in-game; our focus and encouragement will be on the latter a thousand and a thousand times again.

It is and has always been possible to apply for a weapon at creation with a custom name. Anything else, I wish to see you guys give us all something back through your involvement in-game.