GSF Boosts;

Started by Cruzel, February 15, 2009, 06:26:35 PM

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Quote from: 9lives;110938That's got nothing to with GSF feats, or even Fighters.

Not true. It has a lot to do with it.

Say these ideas are implemented, and everyone was well aware of it. My Mage wouldn't have been robbed so bloody easily yesterday.

I could walk up to a fighter my level who was harassing someone or doing something I disliked and scare him away with the threats of a fireball or scintillating sphere across his dome. He'd surely soil himself and run away crying. I sure as hell would, no matter how big, tough, and powerful I was with a blade.

If I do that now, for instance, they laugh, then jump me when I'm outside of the gates.

So, the fact that a Fireball can't even pierce through a cheap potion of elemental endurance, or even take off a quarter of a typical -fighter's- health or anyone of the melee, brutish sort is annoying. I can only see -one- spell actually hurting anyone, and that'd be Isaac's Lesser Missle Storm. That's -it-. >_>

I'm all for these changes! High five for the ideas, Cruzel! [High fives.]


[Does not high five Echigo]

Btw, this was supposed to be a BRAINSTORM post, not a "Ugh overpowered, No"

Whatever, it's fine you think that, but we need some was SF and GSF can make your spells rock. TBH I think scottyB has the answer with his spell customisation feats.


Quote from: Echigo;111000Not true. It has a lot to do with it.

Say these ideas are implemented, and everyone was well aware of it. My Mage wouldn't have been robbed so bloody easily yesterday.

I could walk up to a fighter my level who was harassing someone or doing something I disliked and scare him away with the threats of a fireball or scintillating sphere across his dome. He'd surely soil himself and run away crying. I sure as hell would, no matter how big, tough, and powerful I was with a blade.

If I do that now, for instance, they laugh, then jump me when I'm outside of the gates.

So, the fact that a Fireball can't even pierce through a cheap potion of elemental endurance, or even take off a quarter of a typical -fighter's- health or anyone of the melee, brutish sort is annoying. I can only see -one- spell actually hurting anyone, and that'd be Isaac's Lesser Missle Storm. That's -it-. >_>

I'm all for these changes! High five for the ideas, Cruzel! [High fives.]

Most people see their character as the dauntless hero/villain. Quavering in fear at the sword/spell isn't inline with that. Wizards are intensely powerful post level 6. If you don't agree, you're doing it wrong!


Quote from: Howland;110724Some of these proposals will never happen, and would absolutely be imbalancing.

However, there already are bonuses that maybe you're not aware of associated with some of the GSF feats of certain schools specially scripted for EFUA.

Are these listed somewhere? Other then RP perks, these things would be common knowledge I would think.

I can has fun?

If wizards aren't tough enough, items with more spell slots would solve that problem without negatively impacting other classes.


I think if you want to play a sweet diviner, you take GSF: Divination to reflect your character's mastery of divination magic, not for the +4 DC on offensive spells. And, if you play a sweet diviner (yes, a somewhat mechanically-weak specialization) then you will probably get abundantly awesome loot from DMs who notice you rocking out.

I don't think wizards do not need any of these overpowered additions! They are great as is.