The Doomed Legion: A new dwarven way of life.

Started by Vlaid, September 23, 2013, 04:04:57 AM

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[tface=fellsc]The Doomed Legion[/tface]

"Why should we be so cursed to witness the end of dwarven kings? Let  my bones find no rest until we do what we must. Let my soul find no  peace until the Dread Empire turns to dust."

  • Acknowledge the grim truth  that the dwarven people are a dieing, fading glory. Do not cling to the  crumbling traditions of clan and holdings for their own sake.
  • Defeat the Dread Empire to the very last.
  • Empower the crusade by whatever means you have available. Be that supplies, politics, faith or other more obscure methods.
  • Honor the ancestors as you would Moradin.
  • Where possible, guard and secure the remains of the stout folk so that they might find peaceful rest free of defilement.
The Doomed Legion is a loosely organized, small cultural movement among the dwarves. Grim, fatalistic dwarves who have declared themselves dead,  glory in a never ending war to slay the Dread Empire. Keeping small,  grisly trophies of the aberrant to adorn their tombs when they  inevitably fall. They believe the dwarven people are a fading glory,  eschewing the old traditions and ways of the clan in favor of a new,  mysterious worship of the spirits of the fallen ancestors.

In pursuit of vengeance against the Dread Empire some turn their  attention to aiding the Society of the Ordered Mind(either as oath-sworn  allies of the crusade or as full Ordinants). For some the burning  desire for vengeance does not an Ordered Mind make however; finding  themselves only allies of the Society when their individual crusades  against the Dread Empire cross paths.

The Passing

Dwarves who seek the ways of the  Doomed Legion begin first by entering into a little known or understood  death ritual with grim overtones of their inevitable death of not only  themselves but of the dwarven race. The participant declare themselves  dead(along with small funeral), shedding all their past oaths,  dishonors, vows and traditions; especially those traditions relating to  establishing clan holdings. Pledging themselves first, above all else,  to see the Dread Empire slain to the last. Criminals, kings and laborers  of the Stout; all are welcomed to take the Passing. And each is equal  once it is done.

The Ancestors

The dwarves of the Doomed Legion  revere their fallen ancestors as much or more than the Morndinsamman  itself. To some dwarves, elevating the worship of the dead to that of  their gods might seem odd, but given the dark days full of death others  might find comfort in this purposeful acceptance of death and the dead.

After going through the death ritual known as the Passing
some  claim to witness obscure, prophetic  signs from the ancestors while  others claim to have a new mystical  connection with the dead of the  dwarven people. The ritual itself and  the relationship each dwarf gains  with the dead is extremely personal.  This strange relationship varies  greatly from one dwarf to another just as  each of the ancestors are  distinct and unique in their motives. [hide=Sample Concepts(very very loose guideline)]
  • Doomed Legionaire(warriors) - Grim, stoic, disciplined beyond peer. Training ceaselessly to defeat the last of the Dread Empire.
  • Bloody Beserker(barbarian)   - Your fury for vengeance and the death of the Dread Empire drives you   in battle to impressive feats of recklessness. Often living short but   brutal lives in the crusade against the mind flayer menace.
  • Death Skald(bard) - Chanting grim dirges and heralding the end of the dwarven ways and the Dread Empire in equal measure.
  • Doom Sage(monk, cleric or wizard)   - Elderly, sagely dwarf now tending the dead without   complaint or expectation of thanks. Bestowing wisdom on those who would   hear it before it fades with the fading of the dwarven ways.
  • Ancestor Whisperer(???)   - Either praising the ancestors as a whole or focusing your faith on a  few, specific ancestor spirits you have a strong connection to. Through  some obscure means you listen and hear the voices of the  fallen  dwarven ancestors. The  ancestors vary as much as dwarves  themselves;  some vengeful, some benevolent, some wishing to help, some  wishing to  corrupt. Often conveying their demands to the living in obscure,  superstitious  ways that might easily be dismissed as coincidence or  charlatanry. Perhaps  they bestow strange gifts upon you in your service  to them and honoring  their passing...

Swing by #dwarves in IRC for any questions you might have
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


That dwarfs hand is three times the size of his face, at least. Twice the size of his cranium when balled into a fist. Or maybe he just has a tiny, comically undersized head.


I also support the dwarf Imperial Guardsman unit. +20


Quote from: xXCrystal_Rose;355459That dwarfs hand is three times the size of his face, at least. Twice the size of his cranium when balled into a fist. Or maybe he just has a tiny, comically undersized head.

That is why dwarves give the best sensual massages.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]



Axekinalekin replaced by deathgrimtidingsvengeance. We shall see what comes of it! :)


Aye kin, get to the Dreadin'.


och, it's time tae get grimdwarf

Knight Of Pentacles


Outstanding Dorf concept.


Grim Dwarves with big hands. What's not to like?

Still Dorfin'

Hells yeah!  I like pissed off moody dwarves a lot better then pissed off moody elves.



A shame duergar are the only real dwarves.