Spells Suggestions Thread

Started by Tala, December 03, 2016, 10:02:46 AM

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Goodberry - Druid/Cleric (With Creation domain) - Level 1

The druid/cleric creates a Vanish on Reset item that can be used as ration for rest.

Shillelagh - Druid - Level 1

The druid can enhance a bludgeoning weapon with +1d3 bludgeoning damage and +1 enhancement.
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Quote(Mass) Phantasmal Affliction
The GSF: Illusion doesn't really make the spell much better or feel more impactful, especially given the fact the base spell requires a double saving throw, which the poison save doesn't increase with GSF. Ironically, it feels better to take this spell with GSF: Necromancy, despite it being an illusion spell.

My suggestion would be for a failed will save to, instead of removing a single point in wisdom, apply either the effects of "Doom" for round/level or make the target reroll their poison save.

QuotePhantasmal Assault
Spell is decently useful with GSF, but I think the damage is severely lacking. My suggestion is to make it a d6 per level/2 + 1 per caster level. This puts it at a maximum of 40 damage at level 10. 


Sunder Mind
Caster Level: Astrologian 3, Sorcerer 3, Wizard 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Enchantment
Range: Medium
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: will half
Additional Counter Spells: Clarity

You hammer a psychic wedge directly into the mind of your foe, attempting to splinter their sense of self. This spell does 1d5 Psychic damage for every two caster levels. It does half damage on a successful will save. Regardless of whether or not the save is passed, the force of the mental impact begins to leave behind temporary cracks on the target's psyche. They incur a 25% Psychic damage vulnerability for one round a caster level.

Every subsequent cast of this spell resets the duration of the vulnerability to its maximum and increases the vulnerability by an additional 25%. This can continue accumulate indefinitely until the effect is allowed to expire. This spell is blocked by mind spell immunity effects.

GSF Divination: gives the spell a 50% chance to dispel and pierce Clarity (but not Mind Blank.)
GSF Necromancy: makes the spell apply a stacking -1 will save penalty in addition to the vulnerability.

Caster Level: Astrologian 6
Innate Level: 7
School: Divination
Descriptor: Evil
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Save: none

You mark your target with a gruesome astral brand attuned to the Stalking Star. This potent sigil is a greater curse that renders their presence visible to a gruesome unkillable Aberration known only as the Huntsman. The Huntsman is an unstoppable and immortal entity fixated only on stalking and torturing its target. It manifests at the initial casting of the spell and persists for a number of rounds equal to half the spell's caster level. It can only perceive and be perceived by its target.

The curse waxes and wanes in power, and can only draw the attention of the Huntsman so long. Once the initial manifestation ends the curse's power begins to build again. Every turn the percent chance for the Huntsman to manifest again increases by 2%, starting at 0%, and eventually increasing to 100%. This percentage is checked and tested right before it increases once a turn. Manifestations reset the likelihood to 0%. This cycle can only be broken with a Remove Curse spell.

Creatures bested by the Huntsman are not granted the mercy of death. It instead seizes them and disappears with its caught quarry. They are never seen again. Defeat in this way is a permanent end.

This spell can be cast on items like Bestow Curse. Items cursed in this way summon the Huntsman, still, but take longer to gather power. The percent chance to summon the Huntsman increases at a rate of 1% instead of 2%. Items cursed this way cannot be uncursed permanently, though they can be rendered inert and removable for a turn with a successful application of Remove Curse.

Flensing Gale
Caster Level: Druid 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Components: verbal, somatic
Range: Short
Area of effect: 15m cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: reflex half

Force forwards a brief and incredibly powerful burst of wind that carries with it enough force to blow away the flesh off the bones of your foes. This spell does 1d8 Wind damage every 3 caster levels. The force of the blast disperses and dispels magical clouds and surfaces, ending these effects early.

GSF Enchantment: renders the force of your blast particularly beguiling, attempting to knock down those caught in the blast as if hit by Balagarn's Iron Horn.
GSF Abjuration: your winds become magically flensing. They attempt to dispel magical effects on creatures as Lesser Dispel but with a modifier of -10 to the roll.


Can the spell Prayer cast your selected Turn Undead in addition to it's base effects? And maybe double the duration of Prayer for Priests, to give them some more incentive to use it?

Other ideas for some buffs to it might be for good/neutral, players heal 1d4 health per round. And enemies take 1d4 negative damage per round? Both perhaps?


Several suggestions, that I had posted in Discord but have moved to here since there's no spell suggestion channel on discord, technically:

1- GSF Transmutation/school interaction with Haste and Expeditious could be added back in by allowing them to mirror cast on the caster when cast on someone else. This would would be a nice benefit all around for those that devoted multiple feats to it. For Haste maybe it's a shorter duration a la Slow, so as not to be too overpowered.

2- Mage Hand: Add functionality to Mage Hand to allow you to cast it on an item in inventory, then click on the ground and it makes a Spellcraft check based on the weight of the item/stack and either carries the item to that point or the item vanishes forever and is lost on a fail. Arguably could be used to also pick up stuff at range, but this could be way too strong and I think just being able to "throw" items with it would be more than enough.

3- Flame Weapon:  Add GSF Evocation functionality in the form of either a /c command or maybe a dialogue option or player tool such that you can change your elemental theme on the fly, as you are a master of Evocation. This would allow for a lot more flexibility all around for Evokers.

Last one is a two prong:

As Mage Armor is no longer Conjuration and is now Abjuration, the Shield interactivity with SF/GSF Abjuration is kind of limited as there's nothing to prevent Abjuration Wizards from learning both spells, but more importantly the durations of the two spells are so drastically different that no one would actually forego Mage Armor to just rely on the Shield bonus for a fraction of the time.  As such, a solution could be:

1- SF/GSF Abjuration add Shield AC boosts to Mage armor, like a reverse of the current Shield mechanic, but still entirely lacking the immunity to magic missiles.

2- SF Abjuration increases the Shield spell duration to 2 turns/level and GSF Abjuration Shield instead gives a bonus to resisting dispell (NOT undispellable, just a bonus like +2 CL or something)

Shield would become a more niche spell for Abjurers, in that they'd put it up basically only to defend against magic missiles, but those spells are pretty common so there's still an obvious level of value to having it and keeping it in your back pocket, just in case. Another alternative would be to allow Abjurers to get even higher Shield AC with the actual Shield spell, so it goes up to +5 Shield AC and overwrites the bonus to Mage Armor, maybe +6 with GSF, so you can totally still use both if you REALLY want that high AC.


Astral Blade - When it kills a target from the astral damage, can it add a cleave attack to the queue? Your blade was in alignment with the heavens this swing, cleaving through one foe and striking another.

Something fun to add since I've noticed it actually kills things with the 2 or 3 astral damage more often than you would expect, preventing characters with Cleave from triggering an additional attack at all, since it's considered a spell not an attack. Thought a fun compromise would be to just give it cleave in general when only that small bit of damage manages to kill a target, give it a bit more fun.


I take back my suggestion about Flame Weapon with GSF Evo, just saw the synergy in action with set element... yeah, they don't need any extra love.

Others would be cool, though.


Horizikaul's boom added to Bard's first circle spell list. Would be cool for mage or evoker style bards and it's even sonic damage. It's only 4d4 at level 8.


Could Ward Area hide a zone from showing up in /c commotion?


QuoteLiving arrows
Living Arrows
Innate level: 1
School: Transmutation
Target: Self
Range: Single
Duration: 1 turn per level
Save: Harmless

Arrows and bolts you touch become alive! When you hit a creature with a bolt or arrow, the ammunition will ricochet itself into a nearby target, dealing 1d4 damage.

Entangle arrow
Entangle arrow
Innate level:  1
School: Transmutation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex

At a touch, you imbue your next shot with magical roots that binds its target for 1 round per level.
**adds a the on-hit property of tangle on next arrow.
** Replaces any current imbued effect on the next arrow
SF: Transmutation - adds 10% piercing damage vulnerability per round tangled.

Imbued arrow
Imbued arrow
Innate level: 2
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Special
Duration: 1 turn per level or when fired

Imbue your next arrow with elemental energy that contains one of three on-hit effects:

Fire - upon hitting its target, this arrow bursts into magical flame damaging nearby targets. All creatures hit take 1d4 fire damage per 2 levels to a (max of 5d4), taking half damage on a reflex roll. Additionally, creatures hit become marked by flame- removing and preventing invisibility and concealment for 1d4 rounds

Ice - Upon hitting its target, this arrow causes the creature to take 1d6 per 4 levels of cold damage (max of 3d6) + 1 cold per level. Additionally, upon a failed fortitude save the target is chilled, becoming slowed for 2d2 rounds.

Acid - Upon hitting the target, the target takes 1d4 acid damage per round for 3 rounds. If the target dies within this time, they explode in a corrosive gas dealing 1d4 acid damage per 2 levels (maximum of 5d4) to surrounding creatures. Additionally, creatures hit by the explosion must make a will save or be dazed for 2 rounds

Arrow of Lightning
Arrow of Lightning
Innate level:  3
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: reflex

You shatter your next arrow into lightning that, once hits its target, wrecks havoc among your enemies. The initial target takes 1d6 per 2 levels of lightning damage (max of 5d6) or half that on a successful reflex save. The bolt then will bounce from hostile target to hostile target within its range unendingly until a reflex save is made or there is only one target left. Each bounce does 1d4 lightning damage per 3 levels (maximum 4d4 at 12).
** Difficulty Class should decrease per bounce.

Hunters' mark
Hunters' mark
Innate level:  3
School: Transmutation
Range: Long
Area of effect: Single
Duration: 1 round per level or when fired
Save: None

You mark at target with your ire and transform your animal companion into a spirit of the hunt. While under the influence of this spell, your animal companion hounds the target and gains the following benefits:

- becomes immune to attacks of opportunity
- Enters rage
- Gains darkvision
- Ignores collision
** Animal companion cannot see invisible, but remains aware of their location.
** The animal companion retains this buffs if the target is slain foe the remainder of the duration.

Additionally, I'd like to suggest removing blade thirst and aid as ranger spells, and then give rangers access to 3 level spells sooner. Maybe also give more spells per level.


Can we get spells that add OnHit properties to weapons or armor? If yes, you could get really creative with those would be fun some variation in buffs.


Quote from: Vegan_Snickerdoodles on May 18, 2024, 10:12:43 PMCould Ward Area hide a zone from showing up in /c commotion?

I love this idea.


Ward Area is against magical interference, mostly.

Commotion represents, more or less, the ability to case the Well and know everyone is congregating in a public place.


I'm not very good at mechanics, but here's a few rough ideas for some healing spell concepts. The idea isn't to make any of these particularly powerful, but to give healing some flexibility and variety in how to approach difficult fights. Please excuse the dumb placeholder names! Just throwing ideas around.

"Watchful Care"
The spell itself does not heal the ally, but alerts the caster if the ally goes below 50% HP. If the ally goes below 30% HP, the ally is automatically healed for (some heal spell) at the cost of equal HP to the caster. This effect only triggers once per 4 caster levels.

"Holistic Approach"
The idea is to self-buff a person's healing in intense situations.
The target (self or ally) is infused with positive energy that promotes the flow of vital functions. For a short period of time, the target has +5 Heal and heals an additional 1 HP when Herbal Medicines are (either applied to them or by them).

"Circle of Empathy"
Just an idea for making healing a little more tactical/varied.
Circle-type spell. (X) number of healing is stored across the group. Each time an affected ally goes below 50% HP, the remainder of their HP is restored from the pool of healing.

An alternative idea: healing pulses from the caster, periodically healing those in a circle around the caster for (cure moderate wounds?)

Egon the Monkey

Curse of Vulnerability (Illusion 2, Wizard/Sorcerer/Bard/Ranger)
School: Necromancy
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Range: Cone.
The caster assails the targets with weakness, lowering their Physical Damage Immunity by 10% for 1 round/level. On a failed save, they also gain 10% vulnerability to Physical Damage.

SF: Necromancy: The targets also gain 5% vulnerability to Negative and Positive Damage on a failed save.
GSF: Necromancy: The targets also gain 10% vulnerability to Negative and Positive Damage on a failed save.

Based this off Prismatic Flames. There's currently no counter to the amount of DI you can stack up, especially with Huscarl. Curse of Impending Blades lowers AC, but barbarians don't care about AC so much. They just tank the hit. making it Necromantic rather than Mind-Affecting means there's also some more tricks to drop on Undead and Vermin that have DI.