Jump Spell Not Applying Bonuses

Started by granny, September 22, 2013, 06:47:53 PM

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Many times in two different PCs I have noticed that Jump will not always apply the Tumble Bonuses at the first time you cast it, making you need to waste another spell slot.


You need at least 1 point in tumble for this to apply any bonus, have these characters both had that?


Yes, they had. The bug is about it not working on the first try as I have sometimes to cast the spell again for it to work.

I have tried it again. It seems that everytime you try to cast it and it is the first spell after the last rest, it will not work.


My 'Mummer's Masque' has Jump (1) 1/day.  I've tested it several times and it has never worked.  The VFX kick in, but no bonus.  Not a big deal, but would be nice for a tumble boost when Bines is performing acrobatics for the poor, tossed-aside children of Lower...

Won't somebody please[/i] think of the children!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh2sWSVRrmo
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"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

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