Team Elf

Started by PlayaCharacter, September 02, 2013, 12:54:17 PM

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Following the silence of the Seldarine in the wake of Dendar's rampage through the skies, tel'quessir are in a fairly unique position in EfU:R. For the most part, the survival of the entire race is in jeopardy, we have no clerics to speak of, and the one elf deity who remains active has gone a bit nuts in a fairly badass way.

This presents a lot of opportunity for role-play and conflict, both within and outside elfkind. Despite the apparent disadvantages, there are a variety of benefits to playing an elf on EfU:R right now:
  • A race-specific private forum
  • A quasi-permanent area of Sanctuary set aside for your use
  • A core group of committed players whose characters are diverse enough to complement just about any play style
  • On that note, we have drama!
  • Elf Communism - We share the loot we find according to need, making it much more likely that you're quickly going to get your character established, materially speaking
  • Elf Navy SEAL code - we never leave a quessir behind, even if it means risking the permanent end of our own characters
  • We are newbie-friendly, and we are making a renewed effort to bring new players into the fold, help them learn the details and lore of the setting, and generally try to help them have more fun
  • There is no application process, the only thing you need to do to "join the faction," as it were, is roll up an elf, interact with elves in-game, and stick around for a while
  • The opportunity to use pretentious elf words like "edan" and "naugrim" that sound vaguely insulting, which is a lot more fun than it sounds
  • The chance to participate in and influence the fate and survival of one of the most recognizable and beloved races in Forgotten Realms canon
In short, it's a terrible time to be an elf, but it's a great time to play one.

General information on the elf race can be found here.
Specific information about the Seldarine in EfU:R can be found here.
A list of all the different ways you can sound like a high elf snob are here.


Any classes your group is short on?


Poncy elves with bows always need more tanks. Fighter types greatly appreciated.


While I am not fond of putting any limitations on concepts, we are on the verge of establishing a more structured military wing among the faction, making it an ideal time for any kind of martial/warrior character to come in and influence/train under it.

Followers of the new incarnation of Shevarash, as the Revenant Prince are also weakly represented currently and solemn instruments of graceful and refined destruction would bring a whole new vibe of awesomeness to the scene.

Battle Chaplain, perhaps?

Quote from: Dogma of the Revenant Prince, ShevarashThe end has come after thirty thousand years. We have no hope of peace. The People are now instruments of graceful and refined destruction. It is Man who has made forfeit our mothers and fathers, our ability to love, our ability to see. Now our arrows fly in pernicious blindness toward them. Destroy the drow, their taint cannot outlast our light. Destroy the illithid, never bend to the creeping and alien dread. But save your greatest tragedies for Man. Waste no time in reverie, prepare for war in the name of our ancestors. Act, without desperation, in the purity of our form.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Awesome Time to join in and make a difference on the Server.  Imagine, nearly half of the elven population exiled into Lower for their part in a violent Rebellion...Half remain in Upper Sanctuary seeking to purify their name and station...while the other half struggle in Lower Sanctuary to survive.

There is a lot of ways you can take a concept.  We have a few PC's IG currently, but could use a bit more.





I notice we lack an active cleric of the Seldarine about, which is a pity, really. :c

Someone make one or some Elven Sorcerer to hang out with Narvis! ;D



Not a single player in all this time I have been in the server willing and able to play a cleric of the Seldarine? Gasp.


The Seldarine do not answer prayers and their servants do not seem able to wield divine magic. The role would be one of depressing self-pity or insane hopefulness (an idea worth exploring!) with a spirituality bending towards the Mourning.

Then there's Shevarash the Coward, but he's not really Seldarine anymore.

Actually, someone should definitely make an insanely hopeful (hopefully insane?) priest of one of the Seldarine.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Do not forget that the Wild Elves do not worship the Seldarine directly, placing themselves in direct worship of the primal spiritis. They might mourn the loss of the Many-Branched, but they would not be as affected by the loss of the Seldarine as other elves would.

Another option is the return to the primal aspects of nature, including here the elementals and the Tree of Life in the form of Janath.

There are still other options of worship and hope. Many have gone, but many stay and guard the elven folk.


We do in fact have clergy of this guy, who is going to come back any day now!


Come be elfie, cousin!


We are gaining in numbers! Join #teamelf in IRC if you are keeeeeenly interested!


We are indeed growing!  Join the Pointy Eared Craze which is sweeping the nation!  Fringe benefits include:

*  Pointy ears
*  Racial superiority
*  A sense of general superiority!

Join today!

#teamelf on irc!

I humbly submit this proof from a well respected documentary on Elven heritage that Elves do in fact, kick ass!


As promised recently and explained in more detail, thusly:

The Boss is Back!

If you have an elf on the shelf, take them out of retirement!