Spider Tunnels Version: Recluse Spiders

Started by CandleQuest, June 20, 2016, 11:05:06 AM

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I believe this version of the spider tunnels might be a somewhat bugged or unbalanced. I've now done it twice, each time had to abandon it right after we started it. I understand it is perhaps meant to be one of the tougher versions you might get from here and our questing group was not strongest of kind but I think there could be some unintended stuff happening too on this quest.

Basically what happened is that after we met the first encounter, we had to retreat. Our retreat had to be done mostly because of poor combat tactics so we regrouped outside the QA and attempted it once more. But as we entered the QA, we were greeted by two or three times the spawns we had left behind and we were utterly surrounded by them.

So I feel like the recluse spiders themselves are fine as they are but the encounter triggers of that quest might be buggy to cause double or perhaps triple intended spawns to attack the group at a time. It may be related to retreating the area too. Anyway, it could be worth looking into because at the moment they feel like a bit too much to handle at a time. Thanks!


Just tossing my opinion in here, but this version is indeed "bugged" with what might be too many spawns for the typical group. I suspect that this is more of a suggestion though than a bug report however.


I've seen situation like this, but in other quest. The one time I encountered it was in the brewery quest. The basement hobgoblin kept spawning more and more. It might be the spawning script kept being triggered. I dont know for sure.


What also might be happening is because the quest doesn't fully reset each time. There are supposed to be webs that separate the quest spawns into manageable sections, however if someone has done the quest before and smashed all the webs, what ends up happening is that while your fighting the first wave of spawns, all the other waves of spawns that were supposed to be handled when their section of web is smashed instead flood towards your fighting, and then before you know it your surrounded by the entire quests worth of spawns and it can turn ugly real quick.

Easy way to tell if your occasion was bugged was if the tunnel was blocked off at points by webs, if they were then maybe you were getting bugged and tons of spawns were triggering, if there were no webs then that means someone else did the quest already and smashed the webbing that prevents the whole quests worth of spawns from flooding you. Easy fix for this situation would be to just have the webs reset upon taking the quest.

I know this has happened to me, where i've taken the quest after someone and ended up getting demolished by a flood of spawns, as the webs were destroyed