Faction documents

Started by Gwydion, February 13, 2009, 06:49:56 PM

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I think it would be cool for PCs to have an item labeled "Faction Records" on their person.  This would indicate that the person has IC documents, and would allow some interesting RP to result.

1.  If the person is killed or robbed, someone can get the item and be granted access to the faction forum by a DM.  

2.  Members of the faction that post something to the rest of the faction are assumed to have given it to the person actually carrying the records.  

3.  If people are hiding their records somewhere not on their person, maybe the "Faction Records" item could be hidden IG and a search check could reveal the stash similar to the way trapdoors show up now.  

(If this would be a scripting nightmare, I can understand why this would be more trouble than its worth.)

Listen in Silence

Bear in mind that most characters would be unlikely to carry around with them all faction documents at all times. It would be unwieldy, as you can no doubt imagine.
I would like to see encouraged that players who lose their character's packs or who are subject to a search, OOC'ly inform the people that would have access to the belongings, of documents or the like that the deceased would carry with him/her. An interesting way of RP, dependant on OOC courtesy and honesty.



I know your character has a faction HQ to leave your records in, but mine doesn't.  So yes, my character would carry around - some - vital documents as opposed to leaving them in a public room in Kingsman's.  

Your suggestion about informing another character OOCly that they would have found a key, or information that would lead to the faction forum is a good one too.  Personally I doubt I'd think of it if my character was killed or assassinated.


I can guarantee this won't happen for DM factions for the reason LiS mentions. I wouldn't really know what to script in the first place either, except maybe grant such an item when wanding. At any rate, We can modify item names and descriptions dynamically so scripting something like this seems pointless -- I'm sure a DM can set aside two minutes to spawn you a document item if you ask for it.


This could probably be tied into this, if someone got around to adding it, probably.

