Ooze Complex/Ooze Tomb

Started by VivaLaRevolution, May 18, 2016, 10:46:13 AM

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Heya.. not sure if my suggestion is desirable but I thought i'd put the idea out there.

The quest is great, a lot of fun, and perfect for ooze cultists.. Maybe move the quest out of the explorable and into the sewers somewhere? it would fit in great, and give the sewers a 9 max quest to go to beyond the low level quests that are in the sewers. Not to mention it's a low player requirement a good level max and would be a great persistent quest for people to go to.

Now I admit it's a little self-serving as its low player requirement is good for the ooze cult as most of the time the faction member numbers aren't so high up, but maybe in return for moving it to the sewers raise its player requirement to 3?

Again the quest is the ooze complex/ooze tomb its name is a little hard for me to remember precisely as sadly I rarely run into it, and it's sad to see such a great quest so hard to find due to the reliance on explorables