Climbing Down Issues

Started by Inquisitor, August 20, 2013, 05:28:52 AM

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Half the time I end up using the sling grapple w/rope to climb down, something happens where I'll pass the check, but still be above my destination. Usually I can't move away from the rope and any other actions are over spammed by my PC moving to stand by the rope placeable. This has happened about 5 or 6 times so far, and it usually requires me to log in or out and sometimes using the climb tool via character options gets me down, but it's hit or miss.


I answered that in your last climbing bug post. It has been address prior in other bug reports as well. Nothing much we can do about it. Just Relog to get out of the loop. Use the player tool the get down the cliff, and grab the rope. This doesnt happen all the time, but it does occur now and then.