Religion Suggestion: Altar Placeables and Tally Tool

Started by GaiaPraiseBe, April 14, 2016, 06:11:45 AM

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Quote from: Altar PlaceableSomething that would be neat is giving clerics, zealous faith sorcerers, and other appropriate classes/concepts access to placeables very similar to placeable signs and fliers. These would be small altars covered with various VFXs (barkskin, stoneskin, glowy colors, etc) to represent an altar to their god/faith. Perhaps a store where different shaped varieties of these altars can be purchased?

Quote from: Tally ToolI recall there being this neat system where clerics could solicit prayers and make converts in exchange for piety points that contributed to the power of their holy symbol. While this was eventually exploited and removed, I believe having something similar where you can keep track of all the prayers you've solicited and conversions you've made over your priest's lifetime would be extremely cool.
