Short survey about online privacy

Started by Paha, April 09, 2016, 10:50:05 AM

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Hey folks!

If any of you wants to take a minute to check and respond to a really simple and small survey I put together, I would duly appreciate it.

This survey is not for any official project or public use, and it is completely anonymous. What I want is some views based on your possible age and nationality, and see if there are diverse views on these few basic questions. It'll be part of discussion we have going on in my university, and might just motivate a future project or study in better capacity. Right now, however, it is only to act as a source of discussion.

I would truly be grateful if you can fill it up, and it's really going to take most only a minute or two.


Done. I'll be the only anonymous French to answer your survey ;)

Apocryphal Misconceptions

Done! This was the subject of my Bachelor's thesis. A large part of it was to determine which (lack of) stimuli motivated people to sway towards security or privacy. It was somewhat more scoped than just the privacy vs. security debate in general, but feel free to hit me up if you think I can help you out.


Thank you all that do answer those small questions. I appreciate the offer Apochryphal Misconceptions, definitely. This though is aimed to just have some statistics on opinions, as it's tied to a topic of discussion we have, and it might just birth something more, maybe. I just had the opportunity to see what diverse community thinks of these things and it was a chance I surely wanted to take.

Right now my own Master's Thesis,though, is on open data, so it is not like this isn't also a matter to consider. Privacy is a topic that concerns everything online.


I've put in my pro-information opinions and the background that produced it.

I would be glad to provide further commentary or even debate privacy advocates, if that would serve the related course.


I appreacite the activity and answers a good deal folks. Thank you. I will keep it up until thursday, at which point I'll close it. So far there's been a lot of people, so I do thank you once more. It'll provide some good statistics to use for discussion with my fellow students and professors.