PC Plot And Activity

Started by The Beggar, February 10, 2009, 06:13:36 PM

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I find it personally offensive to say that there are no PC driven plots occurring.  I work very hard, and I guarantee what I am doing should piss off a good deal of players, particularly druids.  I'm sorry that you haven't noticed, but druids should be against my plans.

Every step of my goal has been publicly displayed for the pure reason that other players may at some point resist me.

I am hoping that PC druids have the balls to go against me, but so far that isn't happening.  Please don't use this thread to suddenly decide Belm is against the balance, but keep your eyes open.  Shit -IS- happening, and I won't stop until I meet my goal or die.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


It's not ideas that are missing. It's making other people subscribe to them.

We all have ideas of plots. They can be server wide, or just local stuff. The problem is, not everyone (player or pc) is a leader. Nor is every idea so great that it will gather crowds. Not every player can play regularly to see his plot stay attractive.

The real question is how to have other people WANT to join your group.

For example:

Joe asks my warrior pc if he wants to join his merc company. I ask: what for?
He says: so we can quest and gather loot. Duh.

Joe asks: let's care for the children of he Zig. I say: sure, that's a noble cause. How do we do that? So we gather food and put it at the feet of the beggars. Then we get bored. So we go 'fundraising', meaning we start to quest again.

Joe asks: let's start a rebellion. We'll put a camp in the forest. So we head out. Those of us who are not killed by the spawns arrive at some place. How do we make a camp? Duh, put our spawn point there. So we do. Then we wait for people to pass by to mug them. Duh. No one's logged on today, and even if they are, they stick to the Zig or run to npcs at the first sign of trouble.

Joe asks: let's gather ore for the colony needs. So we go to the moutains, get ore, come back. The ore goes to the guild, not to our faction, and we can gather as much as we like, we won't build anything unless dm pops up. Make ressource gathering mesurable by player group, that might help.

Joe asks: let's organize tournaments. So we spar, using all our healing. Then the tournament starts. 6 people show up, and the higher lvl wins again. Jim the spellcaster wanted to participate, but he doesn't have time to rest again. Jack the rogue would like to participate as well, but without wasting a wand that'll save his life in real quest. So why bother?

Joe asks: let's be rpers and organize a new government. Then mr bad guys smashes your non-powerbuild while your buddies aren't logged on, and down goes another idea.

For the record, i've even other issue: i play so much, i got bored of waiting on others and go on with something else.

Another issue is how to have a PC faction survive it's leader's death?

And so on...

The point is: if your idea is not worthwhile for pcs involved, it's dying already. You can't expect dm attention all the time, so unless there's a scripted way to make involving others materially rewarding (xp, loot, real estate, fame, political influence, etc.), you'll have to wait till great players or dms figure some great plot.

And the main way to rewardingly-involve others will be to send for trogs, harpies, and whatnot.

My usual two cents.


Another valid question to ask is:
What is interesting to you as a player and what makes you give an effort for the group?

My advice is to try getting along with a group and make it well. It may not be interesting at first but then again, it may develop into something highly amazing.


I think PC plots flourish the most when the PC's involved in them have tons of time to be IG. The more time you spend in game, the more you can get done.

I like to think my characters are always pushing PC plots ahead and in fact my current one is working toward the rebellion-esque suggestions some people had. I know that it won't go very far though until someone with more time on their hands also takes up the mantle. As much as I'd like to do, anything less then 10 hours a week or so IG (and lately more like 5/wk for me), just isn't going to get it done.

So take that as a challenge to those of you with more time. You are the ones that can really make a difference. From Ortred to Collier and Pyatt Pree, when those dudes were in their "prime" you could almost always count on them to be logged in and up to something.

For DM's listening, I think you could help do more by literally paying (through some means) the players who are on often and trying to be leaders. Nothing encourages people more then the offer of pay and when you have PC's that can reward the efforts of others, then you don't have to do it yourselves. Of course, the trick is to find players who won't just spend said gold on themselves i.e. the EFU:A equivalent of corporate greed on wall street.


Players could help more by literally paying (WITH BENJAMINS) the DMs who are on often.



I can has fun?

Quote from: PanamaLane;109988For DM's listening, I think you could help do more by literally paying (through some means) the players who are on often and trying to be leaders.

I've said it before, that which gets rewarded gets repeated. A little bit of "RP EXP Fairy" would go a long way. I've seen four distinct types of DM Experience awards from whatever wands you guys have, you really ought to use those more often.

Quote from: 9lives;110020Players could help more by literally paying (WITH BENJAMINS) the DMs who are on often.

I was looking in to this for a server concept of my own, and even at minimum wage it is prohibitively expensive to pay DMs unless you're wealthy enough to finance it out of your own pocket and don't mind losing money. There is no way to keep up with labor costs with donations alone.

I'd be happy to "tip the DM" from time to time if they want to set up individual PayPal accounts, but any substantial amount of spare money I get in the near future is going to the server first.


For those who are not in the know, here is a link to donations:


I am very poor like the rest of you sods, but still its good to toss what you can to them from time to time. Even just $20 a year from all the base could go a long way (though more will go further!).

I've heard that Obama actually began his grassroots strategy in Howland's living room. See he does pal around with terrorists!


I was kidding!

Any donations you do make, which are vastly appreciated, do obviously go back into the running of the server - Which is mostly provided for by the intensely generous Tom Howland, and the donation of parts and dollars by you guys.


Iv'e found a few plots to get in on, but sadly, Iv'e found it's hard to join in if you try to do so late.

Best get in on it early, whatever the plot may be, and yes, there are plenty of plots going on, Iv'e only been playing a couple of weeks and that's been very apparent. I hate it when nobody joins in on a plot until it seems to have DM backing and is getting phat golds and lootz. It's really more enjoyable to help start the danged thing.

Though, it would be nice if players could let everyone in on their plot, regardless of level... especially if they want to get in on it.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "