Get rid of the Trial Process

Started by Random_White_Guy, August 01, 2013, 06:32:08 PM

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Alright, I'll relate my last experience with being arrested by the Watch in EFU1.

I was arrested, and later when the PC opened my cell door (he was heavily encumbered...) I knocked him down and made a run for it. I was later teleported back to my cell for not getting a DM first.

In my opinion, the key issue is that you should be allowed to defend yourself, PVP, and escape without a DM if the Watchmen PC's do not get a DM to posess NPC's during the proceedings.

Ie, let's make the rule "If you want NPC backup when dealing with criminals, you'd better get a DM first, otherwise you're on your own."
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Just as side note - I was expecting you to resist arrest rwg, and left all faction doors unlocked on purpose to give you a shot at escaping -- as for trials, they seem popular. Several people come to watch, and it gives a PC the chance to be the star of the show, flexing the obscure skill points they may have invested. Sorry you seem upset, at any rate.


We have achieved all that needs to be in this thread. Enough of these back and forth comments. Suggestion was made. This is not a discussion forum.



I had a somewhat lengthier response, but lost it.

The key point is that trials (for me) are a necessary counter-weight to Upper Sanctuary's powerful law enforcement factions. Before a character is exiled or executed, I want a DM to have a chance to review the situation both IC'ly and OOC'ly. I am confident that DMs and PC Prefects (magistrates) will ensure future trials are held promptly.

Another question appears to be the question of arrest and the nuances of when and how this should take place. For what it's worth PCs are always welcome to resist arrest, and it's the Law Enforcement PC's responsibility to deal with the consequences if they don't get a DM/have "back-up" if they initiate PvP. Players can expect some OOC guidelines about these thornier issues soon.

Concerns about a particular issue are welcome to be submitted to the DM Team in the Ask a DM (private) forum for complete investigation.