Sylfbrrrn 'The Maker' and would-be Elder

Started by Dauerschlaf, September 18, 2015, 07:22:58 AM

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Yes, it's true! I've finally kicked the bucket, much to my dismay.

It was fun though! Big thanks to Howland, AMB, and the rest of the DM team. Also all my nature buddies, myconid-friends, and absorb-ees. You've all made this a very satisfying experience. :)

I didn't get to complete all of my big (haha) goals, but I went out in a way that was very fitting to Sylfbrrrn's personality that evolved over time and absorptions. I'm happy, though it's bittersweet!

I'll get some screenshots up eventually, but until then - so long, and thanks for all the rotheshit!



And nature goes quieter. Or maybe, wrathful!


This PC has set the standard for Myconid PC's and made me want to play one.


Gods damnit! Sylfbrrn was a good "friend", and you did a rather wel job at displaying the alien mindset of the Myconjd, at least of which time i spent with you, alas, which was too short. Now what will all the poor sproutlings do?! Rest in piece, Sylf-bro.
Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.

The Old Hack

Oh, that is sad :( I only met him twice but he was awesome both times. Amber will never again hack at a mushroom just for it being in the way if she can find a way around it, thanks to him.


Long lived and well played Myconid!



Great PC Dauerschlaf.   Always a pleasure to run into him out in the wilds.


Great PC Dauerschalf.  Always a pleasure running into him out in the wilds.


D: mah shroom buddy.
Was a great time playin with yer character, with the interactions we had! (albeit somewhat short xD)


Very well played.  It really seemed he had an alien mind.  One of the few beings in the Underdark that Wolfspider ever liked.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


In my brief stint as Nhuduira, it was very cool to see a myconid that had stayed around long enough to become an elder to his people, guiding new players and assisting with the development of the race's interests on the server. Cool guy. Always felt like there was wisdom behind his, uh... stalk?