Remove/raise the take limit on "exploring the dark"

Started by Cruzel, September 18, 2015, 04:44:15 AM

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After the reskin this quest seems like it can only be taken ONCE. Not sure the reasoning behind this, but it seems like it was a fairly staple lowbie quest for helping keep oneself supplied so they can push back up to higher levels. It would be nice to be able to do this quest multiple times as a lowbie, as the purple crystals you can find are really helpful!


I recently made it once only.

This is in part because I've noticed there's a tendency for the "optimal" path to be to sit at low levels and slowly gather outrageous amounts of supplies in preparation for the medium/high levels. This is done by selecting the handful of most rewarding low level quests and just solo'ing those each reset.

I actually don't have a problem with some solo content, but this kind of incentive is not the best - ideally there'd be some solo'able low level content for when players can't find people, but in general it's best if characters start grouping with each other and making IC connections right away. For one thing it's a lot harder for new players if all the other low level PCs are just off solo'ing hidden quests elsewhere.

This quest in particular also makes little sense for being able to do multiple times. The theme is kind of learning how to explore and introducing various systems.

I will be adding a small solo'able purple crystal cave filled exclusively with dissipating purple crystal for low levels as a consolation prize, though!


I would only add to this suggestion that if Exploring the Dark is to be once only, make sure that the fishing supplies and other needful content in some of those chests is respawning. I've sometimes come into that quest only to find all the fishing bait gone and most of the chests looted. Thankfully, someone always leaves the other tools in a helpful place where I can find them, but AFAIK it's possible for someone to take that quest and abscond with all the tools the next player will need to complete it.