EFU:R Existing Content Polishing Project

Started by Howlando, July 29, 2015, 04:23:35 PM

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Would like to request that all dissipating potions be removed from the module, all they do is stimulate grinding by not only not providing real supplies, but giving you supplies you feel you NEED to use to go do more quests. They are also for me, a frequent cause of mild depression when I see them drop; I would rather see no potions drop over dissipating potions dropping and somehow they have been showing up even more often lately....


temple of vera needs gold reward at the end end boss


  • The In Between could really use some flavor love. I'm not sure what it needs but it would be nice to see something more there (not NPCs which inhibit PVP).
  • Maybe there should be some kind of neutral territory like the in Between, between the end point of the lift and the canal ward. It feels strange to me that you can travel so far across the module without ever leaving an NPC protected area that you need a DM to pvp in. To be more precise, you take the lift down, you travel through a wilderness cavernous area for a while to another lift and take it down. Prices adjusted as needed.
  • Lower Dark could use some additional "spooky" aspects to make it feel more threatening....not necessarily mechanical threats. Rough examples of what I mean: "You hear someone casting spells nearby..." messages played occasionally, phantom images of terrifying monsters that when you get near they fade away with some message indicating they were a trick of the mind, transitions that are one way and force you to navigate your way forward to get out.
  • There are probably too many ways to get from Point A to Point B in the current lay out of the underdark. When so many people travel stealthed/invisible this only makes it even harder to run into the few people out there. I would like to see a few of these alternate paths closed off via some terrain adjustments to the underdark. Take the crossroad caves as an example, too many ways to navigate through it or around it. There's maybe about 3 ways through the cave or you can just completely go around it in two opposite directions (possibly more branching off from there).
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]

All Knight Long

Please put Jubals back where it was, out of the random it is now in.  There is a set item in it, and its hard enough to get set items when they DONT just drop in a quest that appears once every three weeks.

Please lower the quest limit on other quests that exist in randoms to min party 2.  It's rare that I find a random with more than one other person with me, and unlocking it to find a quest that has min party 3 is a bummer.

Beholders was once min party 2, could it be so again?  Reward on it also is horrible considering the danger.

Tbh, were it me I'd be rid of Umber Stalkers from the Crossroads.  The Eyeless Spiders are danger enough, and there are lowbie quests all about the crossroads connected areas.

Remove the dumb elf ghosts from Seer, agreed.  Sabra should not be the benchmark by which quest difficulty is gauged.


formian quest used to over reward not it's way under and not worth even the trip there, perhaps a middle ground could be had instead (talking about end gold)


Bone Pit in In Between could use some random spawn skeletons.


Since most of the quest suggestions I would offer have been mentioned already, I won't bother with that aspect.

-The wilderness of efur offers the opportunity to build vertically, which wasn't as easy to do in efua/m. Falling from the Windy Canyon into the Lowerdark is just one example- I don't think every spot in the LD needs to link to some middledark equivalent, but it would be cool to have more places that are only accessible by traveling to a specific point on a certain map. I don't think the greater variety of tilesets is why efua/m's wilderness appeals to me over the Underdark- it's because traveling from Sanctuary to Mur feels entirely too linear. There may be three paths to choose on the Crossroads but they all funnel to the same exit transition, depending on your destination. Compare this to your options of traveling from the Ziggurat to the Bogs and it's not really comparable.

-More hidden areas in the wild that require either shovels or a decent search score to discover would always be welcome.

-Efu has some sweet new underwater tilesets that aren't being shown off nearly enough. Prime places for a redesign, imo- waters of the Hidden Pond, Canal Ward and Scamander River.

-Zurkhwood Forest seems strangely sparse, aside from the couple of quests there. There's a campsite there but it's not possible to even rest in the area. It needs something: rare beast to hunt into overextinction/druid grove or herbalism site to contest/duergar miner spawns to protect their claim...something.

-It would be cool if there was a few layers to the Spire ala Misty Mountains. Perhaps one could go up via grappling hook, climbing into hidden alcoves and winding their way up, or open up a network of caves and tunnels that lead down. Wyverns have been seen in this area before, perhaps they could inhabit these new areas, or some other kind of danger native to the UD but rarely seen.


Sahuagin slave pits had dispel traps added that (apparently) strip all magic - Reverting that would be nice.

Alongside removing the Elven spirit dispel spammers on Seers, I think that adjusting the boss fight to be optional would be cool. In fact, I think it used to be.

I also must second Vlaid's idea of expanding the territory between lifts and safe zones. It is slightly infuriating to effectively watch groups of "upper" folk travel safely in npc areas to just about anywhere and not ever be able to engage them in certain time zones.

Adding some -variety- to the things that spawn in loot containers all around would be nice. Many types of potions simply never drop on quests in this setting, and the dissipating potions tend to make it even worse.


el groso

Although I understand this is totally plot related, something I miss from EFU:M is some well known major lurking dangers that were out and about like the Agony of the hunt, and then later Marçail treant, at any given time, the ground started to tremble and adventurers would pray it was not one of them. Also elusive creatures, such as the white stag.

Haer Dalis 83

  • Waterworks. The place feels rather bland, just a circular area that has no point of interest nor any visual element to tell one corridor apart from the others.
  • Lowerdark. I second Vlaid in this. The place is flavorful in that moving through it feels somewhat disorienting because of all the transitions that move you across the minimap. But other than that, there is very little else. It could use some help in perceiving its alien, terrifying nature.

Knight Of Pentacles

*Temple of Hoar quest.  Very dangerous mobs, reward virtually non-existent.


Alright, Another addition

The Koa-Toan underwater quest, specifically, the PRINCE. Some time in the past, a dm made it so that if you decided to fight him, it was to the death ( you can't leave until he's dead). This was likely to counter people walking in, looting the open chests, then leaving. The Result of this, is that almost no one fights him these days, typically meaning that the quest involves freeing the slaves, and /maybe/ fighting the priestess. I would like for this to be changed. Perhaps changing it so that, instead of it being impossible to leave until the prince is dead, you merely lock all the chests so that you don't get any loot /until/ he is dead? I think more people would be willing to risk it if it wasin't that, if /someone/ screwed up, everyone dies until the next reset or even permenently. Thanks!
Forever in the Shadows, yearning for the Light.


With the collapse of the mines, Grazen Herbs (used in Naryldor's Quest for Herbs) have become unavailable. Please make these available in other mine-like areas (Like the quarry adjacent to the polluted stream) or remove the quest entirely.


Another way to increase the uncertain danger of the Lower Dark might be to use the name "Unknown Creature" for a variety of creatures that are very different mechanically.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I agree with the Lowerdark suggestions. To add to it, I'd love to see some more spawn variety down there. Right now it's basically all or nothing in terms of dangerous spawns. I don't necessarily mean everything has to be super hard but maybe some spawns that are larger groups of moderately difficult enemies, for example?

Otherwise I'd say that the areas above Sanctuary are rather useless. There's nothing there and it doesn't connect to anything.