EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Real life has made it so I likely won't be able to make it ig for a bit.


I'll won't be rockin' it in EFU Thursday through Monday.  I'll probably be back on Tuesday night.

Tremulous, Saranna


I'll be taking a break. I'll return when my mind is cleared. Party on, folks.


I was convinced otherwise, I'll be in game. Sorry for the false alarm.


Won't be around for tonight. Might still be on IRC.


As, well, probably everyone involved with Hale is already aware, but is worth repeating- right now is my finals season. My finals end Tuesday and Hale'll be back in full! For now, though, I'm completely panicked and dont have a lot of time for EfU! 2 5 credit lab classes is a mistake I will -NEVER- make again.


I'm back. In pog form.


I'll be giving Horace a bit of a break, but I will return in 1-2 Weeks!

Should be able to be Ig for about 3 days or so, off and on.


Just an FYI

I have some important training this week so I won't be available until likely Monday next. very sorry..be patient.. i'll be on when I can.


I think I'm burnt out, so I'm going to take a break, don't know how long or short it will be, but I'll return. I'm feeling like I need to focus on my RL right now, see you on the flip side.


That was a much needed break, but time to get back on!

I'll be back on tomorrow!


I believe I shall be taking a break for a little bit. Burned out.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "



I'm taking a break until Friday this week.

The prize for making EFU count IRL goes to Kobold-Lord AKMatt! Looooooved the Spice! :D -- I haven't been able to use my arms to even turn on a light-switch without pain since Sunday. Mashing keyboard buttons has taken it's toll for now. I must be unfit or something; gonna sort it with a few days rest AFK.
Peace out for now, EfU....... :)

Divine Intervention

As I have exams fast approaching I've decided to take a brief hiatus to focus on studies.  I may be running one specific thing in this week, but other than that please do not approach me with requests for anything IG as I will have to disappoint you.  I will be back in action fully come the 23rd/24th.


Back! Until Friday, then my times will become sporadic again, and my timezone will flip, as I travel across europe. Still should be around occasionally, though, as I have internet most places I'm going.