EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Father Time

Back as of tomorrow. Soul crushing week and move prep is finally done!


Taking a wee break. Will be back in the future. x


Gonna post this ahead of time in case things get heated ingame, Mazeed is AFK from April 4 to April 25


I've decided to uninstal. Not with a hot head,  a cold one. I waited to sleep a night before taking my decision.

I spent the last five months avoiding PVP here, and I had a blast playing with most of you.

But I can't evade it forever, and yesterday I was reminded of it with a random/uninvited attack while coming back from a quest.

It makes my heart beat too fast when the battle is against players and it takes me an hour before being able to be 'functional' IRL after that. That doesn't even happen when I risk death in a permadeath even, or simply dies. Only against players, and I don't know why. It also doesn't go away with 'practice'. I never joined DM factions because of that fact, even those I thought were real interesting, because I wanted to stay neutral in conflict.

I knew EFU had PVP before I got asked to play here, but after five months with not a single pvp incident in sight, I thought it could be a home for quite a while.

So anyway, a big thank you to all those I had the pleasure to RP with over half a year. Had a lot of smiles while playing here.

    Here's my army, for those curious. I did play quite a few characters.
    • Haldar Steelheart, Dwarven Skald
    • Kaelora Zephyros, Water Dancer
    • Mordrak Zellis, Thayan, Hm hm hm... yeess.
    • Doctor Lucian Lunaris, the "Blur makes you impotant" guy.
    • Meriga Vuldrath, my Hulk Hogan character "Oh yeah BROTHER!"
    And more recently...
    • Raventhia Merithil, elven treasure hunter.

    If my health allows for pvp competition in the future, I'll surely come back here first.
    Farewell. :)


Sorry to see you go though I understand completely.

For some reason v5 dispensaries purged me of all pvp shakes. It might be that the only way to overcome it is exposure, but if your health doesn't allow for that then it makes it very difficult.

I'll be out for a week if the cyclone doesn't get me.


Will be less active for the next week and a half until midterms are through.


Sorry Yogi has been unavailable here lately. It will continue to be that way due to work and IRL stuff going on.
Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.