EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Vault Shrike

I will be gone from the 3rd of January until about the 13th of January. I'll have forum access, but no means of getting ingame. :)

Vault Shrike

I am now officially away!


All being well I might have the time to play again this week onwards


I am traveling until Thursday, and will likely be away from NWN unless my laptop stops being silly. I know it's awkward to have this gap of activity in my plot until then but we'll just have to work with it. Prepare for death and destruction when I return.

Oskar Maxon

Somewhat erratical/non-existent playtimes due to exams coming up.

Spiffy Has

As many of you probably haven't noticed, I am not around for awhile.

School is starting and I wanted a change of pace from efu. See you in a few weeks!


Internet's gone to shit, hates NwN.

Will be back in an indeterminate amount of time.

Could be a day to a week, or longer.


Back to work after the holiday break.  Will be playing but quite a bit less than usual.  Alas...


Sorry I've been away, I've been in the hospital and had to go under the knife, but hopefully I'll be able to return to play soon.



Not going to be around a lot this weekend, or very reachable. Spending it with some friends! Might be around late tonight/Sunday, depending.


I need to take a break from EFU for a little bit. I'll probably be back in a couple days.

I'll still be around on IRC if needed for whatever.


Not sure if this is the place to put it- but I shall be retiring Ricardus Cannavo for the time being to pursue another concept. If anyone needs to speak to him in the next couple of days please PM me otherwise see you IG on my new toon.


Spiffy Has


My laptop is being very temperamental of late; I'll be back around hopefully this weekend when I get a chance to fix it.