EFU:CoR Leaving/Returning Posts

Started by Howlando, July 14, 2013, 11:47:38 PM

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Going on Haitus for a while.

Arty can be considered retired, been away for most of the last month or so anyway.

See you all soon.


Two pcs in line FDed for bounty? Too much for my taste. Taking a break


i am out of pocket for a week! no nwn access on vacation. be back soon


Taking a break for a week or two. See ya guys!
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=700140.0]Find custom lore for Yemani characters here.[/url]


Making some time to sporadically log in again!  :D
Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/


Nothing seems to be appealing to me IG right now so probably just going to be taking a break for a while.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]

Kinsley G.

been logging in less (but still logging in) because I am in the height of interviewing for new jobs (hurrah). It's going very well and I'm happy, but I launched several processes in parallel and so it is consuming me. I'll be in and out as I can (1-2x a week log ins so far, but I still feel it's not enough so explaining here)! Looking forward to being more full on once I have something nailed down. My PC is not dead or retired lol


Fighting not to log in until the semester finishes in six weeks lol. Might be a losing battle!


Been out unexpectedly in the hospital and undergoing some surgery—all seems well, now, so just recovering.

Apologies to anyone I ghosted mid-plot or who's been waiting on me for anything. See y'all IG again soon!

Don Nadie

For a variety of reasons, I'll be having increasingly less time for NWN until very end of May... Including missing the mongrel times! Feel free to push all intrigues forward and to send Correspondence, though, as I can definitely respond to those! :)


Sparse play times due to school and other responsibilities.
It's not about how long they'll survive, but how long they'll be remembered.


I'm stepping away from the server for now. Consider Luna Wintergard unreachable until further notice.

Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.


I just started school and want to avoid any distractions until I finish or am more settled in, so I'll be gone awhile! Bye for now!


Hey there!

Just really busy this past week with school, work, interviews, ect.

Taking a big healthy break from a lot of things to just relax and not use my brain for a bit. If you need me please reach out and I will gladly jump online, otherwise I'll be irregular for about a week then back at it.

Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/

The Old Hack

Hey people.

I've felt really uninspired for the past week or two, so I haven't been very active. Thus I am making it official. I am taking a break from EfU for a while, at least a week or two, possibly more. But I wish you all a great July and hope you have lots of fun :)
