Craft Menu Player Tools malfunction

Started by Edvard, July 08, 2013, 10:51:19 PM

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Player: Durain Atek

The Player Tools (such as Diagnoze Withering) are not accessible for some players / races. I have a hunch that it only applies to non-human standard races.

It did not work for a Half Orc and Dwarf I checked with, and did work with a Human PC.

When I log in after a reset now, it says: 'Acquired Item: Shield Dwarf Skin'. This is new, so might be related. The item does not physically show in my inventory, but might be DM hidden (?).

Edit: I can use the Crafting Tool to assign the Player Tool to a slot, but I am unable to put the selected tool in a quickslot / select it manually. It simply does not show where it normally does.