John Mistson - Last of the Numinous Order upon Ymph

Started by Weaverific, July 07, 2013, 04:03:36 PM

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Johnathon Mistson is no more. I would like to thank Winston and ShadowCharlatan for the time, love and attention you two gave to the Order, Howland and all of the other staff for all of the time, sweat, blood, tears and attention you put into Ymph to make it feel like a real place. I'd also like to thanks all of the many Order Bros I had fun playing with during that time, who made it a blast, especially Ivan Bullock and Martin Bishop, who played through rough times in the Order with me.

John was alive for a while and there are simply too many other people for me to even begin to start to list, Molly, Mavell and Clara Smogson, Aethereal's cleric of Mystryl, Zoe Lissette(sp), Arnold Howardson from the Aberdenn, Gioavni Montigi(sp) and so many others.  I left many names off of this list, I am sorry for that.

John did not start his life as an Orderman. I had no idea he would ever, ever end up in the Order.  He was a Mistlocke native in his early 20s and might best be described as an adventurer "groupy", chasing after adventurers, pestering them for stories and marveling about how totally awesome they were!

Then... the Red Star happened. John started hearing a voice he thought was Mystryl which compelled him to write down what may have been arcane runes or nonsense, something he did for most of his career, though he hid the fact he did it after he joined the Order. I as a player have no idea if he ever truly heard Mystryl, was influenced by the massive release of magic or was just schizophrenic.  John, with some like minded fellows, founded the Starkeepers, the first Mage Guild / Church of Mystryl after the Red Stars rise, which later merged into the Convocation of Mystery, preaching for a time about the impending "AGE OF MAGIC!" and how life was going to be TOTALLY AWESOME AND MAGICAL really soon and all would be well and isn't this a great time to be alive!

[hide=John in his Pre-Order armor]


If John was anything, he was, an idealist.  He did not think you could justify doing bad things for the greater good.  The Convocation were not a cabal of evil mages, but, when some members of the Convocation of Mystery started using necromancy and infernalism and the local priest didn't smack them down... John lost faith in Mystryls.

The Three being the faith of his birth, he went to the Priory and found Giovanni Montigi to ask for spiritual guidance.  Montigi told him to take up the sword for Order.  I never, ever, ever planned to make John an Orderman, but Giovanni made an EXCELLENT pitch and so.... John applied.

A week and a half later Giovanni, grief stricken over the loss of recent allies, committed suicide by walking into the Path of Rabbanatha, but not before giving John some relics to hand back to the order.
[hide=The death of Giovanni]


John was admitted to the Order a few days later.  John had some... fears about the Dreamer, but he always trusted Nethzerim.  The words Nethzerim told him when he first joined are what kept him going, even after the Order was pretty much destroyed.  I really wish I knew which DM was Nethzerim on that occasion because the words from that moment had a huge impact on the rest of Johns career.
[hide=Joining the Order]


We spent a lot of time in the Order searching the Mists for strands of Prophecy.
[hide=We met a few interesting people in there...]


John went with Axirios to repair the Inevitable[Plane of Mechanus super powerful... thingy] which was inside of him.  John was along for the battle.
[hide=Super Axirios!]


I fear at times people think John was just a silly red headed Orderman who did not take things seriously.  They never saw the hours he spent with others trying to win converts to the Faithful, or his fighting the Lichs minions.  As a reward for helping Axirios, he was given a helmet which gave him great strength... and also made him impatient, angry and rageful.  The helmet was cursed and could not be removed.  At one point John went to go speak with the cult of the Red Knight to try to win them as allies, they wanted to test him first to see if he was "possessed", as they thought the Order agents of evil.  John agreed... and forgot that he was in fact, possessed ><.  They chased him for 3 rounds around Mistlocke till they eventually grabbed him.  As they prepared to finally finish him off, the voice in the Helmet spoke.... here is that conversation and the events which followed.
[hide=Arguing with a Demon]

He eventually ripped off the helmet and slew a doppelganger of himself.  Unbroken Forever!

Not all times with the order was hugs, chocolate and fighting demons, however.  John eventually got involved in the politics of Mistlocke and when his favorite candidate for Mayor was murdered, he brought him to the Castle to try to have him raised.  The Apostle refused to help, as he was not a human.  John asked for an audience with the Grandmaster who was.... less than pleased John brought the candidate... and an ill companion, with him.
[hide=Tortured by the Grandmaster]

This event was the start of heresy within Johns heart, when he started reading Tyran texts with a lot more care and started speaking out more openly in the Order about not doing "bad" things to avert the End.  He started searching for the origin of the Order after this and looking through every scrap of ancient lore he could get his hands on for clues.

After the Priory burned down, those inside were rescued via the Mists by Nethzerim.  The Casteltan went missing.  We eventually found him, though we had to fight an army of the Lichs minions to get to him.
[hide=Rescuing the Casteltan]


Winning the Bullbreakers Tournament, a tournament hosted by the Aberdenn to boost their turnout for the election.  John won and then devoted his victory to another candidate!
[hide=Test text]


This one is for you, Granny, aka Qoha.  The attack on the Trout market.  John did keep his word though, he really DID only kill eagles [embarrassed cough] ...because everyone else killed the Trouts before John got to them... [embarrassed cough].
[hide=Attacking the Trout market]

Johns faith was further questioned by this.  In the days that followed... he actually offered a prayer to Tyr for guidance, the first one in his life.  By the time he died, he was openly preaching about a god he called the Unbroken Tyr, the Justgod.

At one point, we raided Oldport in secret to get gold.. and incidentally, rescued a bunch of children from Ojo in the process.  Not all of us had "civilian" clothes.  John told Ambrose to go naked, as it would stick out less than his Order armor.  Ambrose, eventually, did so and so he snuck through the streets of Oldport in the buff.  We got caught part of the way through and slaughtered about 25 or so Oldport guards as we made a mad dash for the docks.
[hide=Oldport sneakery!]


[hide=The Agony attacking Mistlocke and its ultimate death later in the day]


[hide=Clara Smogson crying in grief after Mistlocke was destroyed]


[hide=Meeting Rabbanatha]


[hide=The FINAL meeting of all of the remaining members of the Numinous Order of Brethren Votarient.. as far as I know!]


The Order clergy all dead or fled, John had an argument with one of the other remaining Ordermen, who urged him to flee.  John said no, a short time after, he gave his final confession to a Tyran paladin.
[hide=Final confession]


A short time after the confession, he was approached by Sigvar and given... something very special.
[hide=Getting, The Robe]


John was given the robe, because he WAS different from other Ordermen.  The ends CANNOT justify the means!

[hide=Emelyn's final speech]


[hide=From The Vault... which Vault? That one.  THE vault.]


[hide=The final march upon the Lich leaves Mistlocke...]


The attack upon the Lich was... ridiculously over the top.  John for spoilerz reason, spent a good bit of it charging ahead of the main group and trying to take out the mini-bosses along the way.  It was frantic and hectic and crazy and an enormous blast and many thanks to all of the DMs involved.  My hats off to all of the brave heroes who did not make it all the way to the end!

[hide=The final assault upon the Lich]


A short time after he gave these words... John again charged ahead of the line, as he had for much of the battle... and simultaneously ate 5 Horrid Wiltings.  A good death!  I did not intend these to be Johns last words, but I think they were appropriate.

And, that is it.  A long, amazing journey comes to it's conclusion.

It has been an amazing ride folks and I look forward to playing with all of you on my next PC.



Well done, Barber.  See you on the next one!
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Holy hell. Phenomenal character, phenomenal shots!


How dare you betray Mystryl? How dare you betray ME?!

Was nice knowing him - luckily Apocryphan was forgiving and also had no particular qualms with the magical Mist lackeys.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.

el groso

Fanfic possible feud: Mistsons VS. Smogsons

Well done, man


<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers




He's DEAD! Why can't we see his stats?

Oh, and fantastic job. Loved watching his transformation from a farm-boy, to Mystrylan, to Ordersman, to HERO OF YMPH.

Jayde Moon


Quote from: Pup;342851Well done, Barber.  See you on the next one!

Ride Together!
Die Together!

Can I ask what faith, if any, Bullock held, at the end?  I am quite curious to know why he showed up at the end, considering our last chat.


Was fun messing with him so much in those early days. Fantastic character.


Haha, Darth Mistson was vanquished by Luke sky Victus.

Great to see a PC change so much over his lifetime by life events ! From peasant son to Hero of Mistlocke.