Dzdyena Kolyrshyl, Wild Dwarf of Ymph

Started by Blue41, June 25, 2013, 02:12:48 AM

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Dzdyena was one of my longer-living characters, which really doesn't mean much- it's what you do that matters.

All Dzdyena REALLY wanted to do was to live forever- through the blood of his sons and daughters, birthed by the many 'mothers-to-be' on Ymph. The fall of the Delving, however, made that dream much, much more difficult to attain.

His background, for any curious.

[hide=Background]Background: Dzdyena Kolyrshyl was born in the jungles of Chult, where he lived for 45 years before being captured by human slavers and eventually sold to a Patrician on Ymph, who saw him as a rather exotic form of entertainment in his purchase. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, his purchase coincided with the release of the Witch and the impending doom of the Colony. Dzdyena managed to escape from his captor in the confusion of the time, and ran into the bogs, where he eked out a living during the Shrouding. The struggle for survival was similiar to his life in Chult, and Dzdyena fostered a deep and unrelenting hatred of the undead, as well as the slavers who brought him to this accursed isle.

Eventually, when the few unwithered animals escaped into the Veil, Dzdyena was forced to follow them or die of starvation. This brought him into contact with the Dwarves of the Delving and the Stewards of Ymph. The dwarves looked like him, but did not live as his people did- while the Stewards accepted individuals of all kinds but were at one with nature, rather than apart from them. Despite his misgivings, it was an easy choice to make for his continued survival, though the Stewards would offer Dzdyena so much more.[/hide]

He may have had 8 charisma, but he was a real ladies man.

Wise elders provide sound romantic advice.

The home spoken of was to be the former camp of Gaeseric the Unyielding. Eventually the withered World Tree was destroyed. Then the Stewards took it one step further and nuked the place. But that would come later...

Eventually, cleansing the land of withered growths brought him to the Stewards(and Forgotten Circle) of Ymph.

By becoming a Guardian, he earned the chance to partake on even greater hunts against his hated foes, the undead.

Re-taking a withered grove of H'bala.

I smell you, Shevorth.

I also saw and went to crazy shit places.

Watcher-chat. Sigvar had a significant impact on Dzdyena's actions, though he may not have realized it. Moments after stating that everyone is super dead, the Withering effect kicked in.

Same for Tagnar- the Delving was lost, but it always seemed like there were bigger causes, larger threats, and it was easy to forget the plight of the dwarves, until this reminder.

And so plans were made, and supplies gathered, and oaths declared. Dzdyena would free the Delving from giant-rule, find his immortality, and be remembered for his great deeds. There were secret, dangerous ways past the gates, and many allies who would fight the Giants...but they were mighty foes. Perhaps a poison could turn the tide...

It was a simple thing to poison the meat. Venison, unwithered, splendidly cut, all you need to do is eat up-


The thing I love about efu is that my, your, whomever's actions matter. Sometimes you become famous for doing a thing. But other times,

when you fuck up

You can still see some magic.

In summation, never be afraid to ask a DM to do a thing. It might work out for you.

[hide=Snazzy loot]


Thanks to the Stewards, Watchers, Stargazers, and everyone in between. Had a blast playing with you.



was awesome fighting those trolls and giants! XD

Winston Martin

That was a very amusing end! Good job Blue41!


I didn't know how much awesome he was! ^^

my little snack was when the chultan flea jumped from his hairs!


Bouquet of Roses

He was part of what I missed the most, after Anwen.
Amazingly fun character to be around, especially when he was talking about women.
God Speed, Dzdyena! You'll have plenty of women in the afterlife!


Another portrait to add in your gallery of well done characters. Very well done.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

The Old Hack

Alas, Dzdyena! Racha greatly respected you. What a wonderful character!


Good luck with the next one :)


Great character. I am particularly sad that he will never have his harem of buxom dwarven brides - but that is just how it goes on EfU sometimes I guess. :(


Commrade! Sorry I was not around to aid you.

D'Yena was definitely a great char, well played sir.


I wondered if you would be able to top your enterance to the Delving. I couldnt stop loling at his blundering attempts to find a bride. Did he ever find love in the end?


Wish there was a timing for that event, I would of gone =( looked fun


Stonepole's bro died, a crying shame. :(


Excellent wild dwarf ! very well done.