Search Inventory Improvement

Started by Vlaid, June 13, 2013, 07:27:24 PM

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As we all know, it is preferred to use the search inventory (which actually forces you to make some kind of check) as opposed to just ripping the pack off of a subdued guy.

I used this feature for perhaps the first time since it has been implemented....and it feels a little lackluster and I can now see why people might not like using it much.

The inventory is presented in this giant jumble of a list without any graphical representation.

So I have two different suggestions to improve this tool:
  • Make it so that items with certain keywords in them are highlighted in red in the list of items in their inventory. Dangerous or suspicious items such as things with "bone" or "Death" and so on. It would at least make it a little less tiresome to go through this huge list of items searching for suspicious items. I gotta admit, after trying to read through the list I was a little tempted to just subdue the guy and search the old fashioned way.
  • When you search inventory someone, have a replica unlootable pack drop similar to the catalog of the merchant stalls. The pack would then have a replica of each item you successfully found via your search check. Having that graphical representation would make searching someone's inventory a little less tedious and time consuming.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Maybe the clever guys in #efuscripts would take on the challenge of point 2?


Extreme server lag-inducing.

You know that Death lags used to come strictly from item transferring scripts.


Isn't there a function that allows vision of their inventory? I'm rather unsure of this, but I can swear that when I used to scry on people I could also open their inventory and looking within it.

Assuming my wildly random memory of this is correct at all, a similar function could be attached to a special search command (that possibly takes a couple of rounds uninterrupted to function or something?)

I suppose the alternate fix is rather OOC and that people can tab out to their nwnlog file and use the find command for item names <_<

The Old Hack

There is also a problem of DM named items. I once searched a character for weapons and asked him to surrender them. Then I searched his pack. He did not admit that a certain DM named item was a halberd until I outright asked him if it was. Presumably he had it hidden up his sleeve or down his boot. *sigh*


Quote"Totally Not a Halbred"

This Halbred looks like a butterknife. Really

If found contact DM Calculor


Well, that was the one (two?) ideas I had for it. Maybe someone else has a better idea.

But it can get very OOC very quickly to try and pick through all the bundles of arrows, herbs, potions, wands, useless items to find the few you are looking for. On some people it's longer than the chat pane can show. Just one huge list of names with commas.

Takes a lot of patience to sit there reading through it with detail to make sure you aren't missing something of vital importance.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Hey, no big deal SC. I never expect much to come of my suggestions. Maybe someday if someone has some time something might come of it, but I don't imagine spending a vast amount of time to improving the Search Inventory tool is of vital importance to many PC's but me.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]