Running a Campigan over the Weekend

Started by Deadlykate, May 24, 2013, 08:41:19 PM

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So I got the okay from Howland to post this here.

Anyway I am running a campaign on the old MZS2 module for a few friends, wanted to extend an invite to those who might be interested. MZS2 is a Modern Zombie Survival mod, it requires haks yes but it is well done. A dead server now, but can be used for great short RP events. Me and another Admin of the dead server will be running this event.

It is either going to be tomorrow or Sunday, still working out the time and day.

It will last a hour or two maybe a little more, still thinking of a time. A little information so you know how it will start out.

The setting takes place in United States, Georgia in Ether city.

QuoteShortly after the city fell, the Government sent in large scale military  force. You are part of this force, if there are enough players there  will be different squads. They are tasked with finding something, it is  kept very hush hush. The military will send some support, you will have  military gear and weaponry. Remember this is survival of the best, if  you die the same rules as before still apply. A surgery kit will be  needed and you will have to roll a heal check high enough to save  somebody. (For those who don't know surgery kits are to be rolled heal checks when DMs are around, if a large creature killed you then the DC is higher. Even if you are revived you will suffer injuries like broken ribs or such.)

As for the Squad, there will be a need of riflemen, a  support, medic, and someone with close quarters gear. I will set up the  gear so it will match those of your character's role. If too many people  want the same role I will pick the role you play.

Know this  will be an intense event, there will be many hard enemies and remember  if you hit 100% infected then you will be a zombie. (You will still be  allowed to play a zombie PC if you do hit 100%).

Your squads will  be set up with limited supplies and may receive more or they will have  to gather what they can from the stores. Radios will be given to the  Team leader(s), for them to keep in contact.
Anyway all of you are invited, if you have any questions you may ask me on IRC just PM me. Should be a fun event, yes if you get 100% infected you do turn into a zombie PC, and yes you do get guns!

Also yes you will have to download haks for this so here is the link:

Due to scripting and the module being based on real life stuff, you can only pick the race Human. Only allowed classes: Ranger, rogue, fighter, barbarian. (Scripts will kick you out otherwise, too lazy to find them and remove them.)

I will post more details, time, day, IP address, and such after working some things out.

Alright well made a channel at #MZS2 if anyone has any questions, I will most likely be on there all day or for most it. Have to work out a few kinks with the module.