Remove rest timer in proper taverns

Started by VanillaPudding, February 24, 2013, 02:54:40 AM

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As the title says -

I would suggest removing the rest timer restriction inside of taverns, inns, or other select few places deemed "comfortable and safe". It's always been assumed that resting is not actually sleeping for 20 seconds, but instead studying, preparing, or whatever else.

A tavern is a great place to accomplish this whether you're "tired" or not. Using campfires, caves, or some other dangerous places could still rely upon the current limitation of course!


I like this suggestion. My only concern is the Scars Cave, which is free resting and arguably should be deemed a case of "safe resting" for those wildlings who have literally no other place to go.


I think this idea has merit.
It should certainly be limited to places that are"comfortable and safe".


So what we'll see is spellcasting PCs on the hunt for other PCs, buffing up fully then patrolling from one safe rest spot to another (or in a circle). Then going to rest before even their turn/round buffs end, rebuffing, and repeating, always fully buffed with pretty much everything, in as constant a cycle as they please.

I just felt it should be pointed out what kind of thing it would facilitate.


Guttersnipe has it.  It would most certainly be abused.


I don't think it would add anything and makes it far too abuseable (Particularly for spellcasters). In situations like arena fights etc usually a DM will be happy to spawn a bedroll for PC's to use as a temporary substitute.


I like it, but yeah, sadly, if it can be abused, it probably will.


On a related note, I suggest a player tool to see how many hours you have to wait before resting again. It's awkward to whine about being tired and then getting a server message that says you're not tired enough to rest. Troubled dreams, aching backs, etc. are excuses that get old quite fast!


A lot of scripting where I need a moment to prepare new spells (instead of 'I am feeling sleepy') works.

Back to the topic: the idea has merit, but as pointed out it has some very severe impracticalities. Doubt it will be happening.


I have heard that people use egg timers to OOCly keep track of things like spell effects and rest timeouts.


Just press R and see how many hours you need to wait to rest. You'll see it even if you can't rest in the place.