'The Skull'

Started by mouldy hidden manuscripts, February 07, 2013, 11:57:59 PM

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mouldy hidden manuscripts

[hide=Orcus, the Prince of Undeath]

~ [FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"]Prince of True Freedom[/SIZE][/FONT] ~

[FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="4"][tface=fraktur][SIZE="6"]F[/SIZE][/tface]ree yourself from the Tyranny of the Gods, Free yourself from the Tyranny of your Aberdenn Slave Masters, Free yourself from the fear of the Maiden. Find the will of Orcus and writhe in the juices of his victory. Drink of his blood, devour his flesh and revel in the pleasures found through the true freedom only service to him may grant.

[tface=fraktur][SIZE="6"]F[/SIZE][/tface]ind the Skull, open your mouth and accept the labours of Orcus' love.[/COLOR]

..more propaganda found here


[tface=salt][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD

The Skull was a necromantically enhanced floating skull that had once been a devout cultist to Orcus; Astriedax Aline. It would be that in his death, like many that followed the way of the weight of numbers, he was animated and continued work as a sentient, tenebrous cultist with a faith in the Prince of Undeath that had not altered. Unfortunately for him, being only a head, it would be that he needed others to bend to his will - it would be that Silia Bontrolva was the perfect mix of morbid, macabre lunatic that would help such a skull out.

A heavily depraved woman that found no joy in the faiths of the more conventional faiths of depravity and undeath; Silia Bontrolva found herself dispassionate, loathing of the Gods and eager to satiate her perverted ideas on life. It was in the Demon Orcus that she found the source of untold, profane pleasures and it was in his veneration in the secret society of the flesh that she found her faith, and her goal in life. Deathly afraid of the grave, and desperate to see it something that would never enter her life, the dark whispers of the Orcus Cult would lead her to believe that there was another way. That death would never touch her, only in the most intimate of ways.

Finding herself in the paradise of undeath that is Ymph, Silia moved to find and embrace the withering, serve Orcus and see death as something that none may ever have to endure. That the cold touch of the grave would be something romantic, to be savoured and enjoyed - her mind warped by the ideology of Astriedax Aline .

Shortly after arriving in Mistlocke, Silia found the Gore Reaver Abu'to. A luster of blood that would become her first convert - Without him, she would not have found her place on Ymph. Abu'to became a staunch and depraved servant of Orcus.
[hide=Screenshots of his conversion]


It happened that Silia and Abu'to were not the only cultist of Orcus on Ymph. Stumbling into a sacrificial grounds, They meet with Graz'zul the Enlightened.
[hide=Screenshot of their meeting]


As all depraved, macabre cultists - there were plenty of dark rituals in the haunted halls of Old Stones
[hide=Screenshots of rituals]

There were a few other Cultists lingering in the shadows of the crypts, digging graves in the middle of the night and tinkering with the innards of zombies and ghouls a'plenty - but, they will remain locked in the human-skin journal held in Silia's backpack; to continue the depraved worship of the Prince of Undeath in the stead of The Skull, Astriedax Aline.

Sadly, this is the end of Astriedax Aline and his thrall Silia Bontrolva - I would like to thank 'Precious Blood', the player of Abu'to, who without I would not have lasted for five minutes and who was with me till the end. Also, to all of the other players of the Orcussan Cult and those interested in joining. I'm sorry to those that had yet to meet, but as is the nature of Necromantic concepts, they are always played on borrowed time

Keep telling wonderful stories, Efu.


PS -
Time to make a kobold :)

Lord Byron


Sorry to see you go so quickly. Was a cool PC.


I was always afraid of what you might be up to in Old Stones. Great character.


holy shit this character looks insanely awesome!!!



Short, but oh so sweet!


The Old Hack


One thing I have always liked about EfU: there is SO much going on. You can't possibly hope to ever see it all. Which can be bittersweet -- but it helps to make EfU seem so real as it does!

