Perk Suggestion Thread

Started by Talir, January 16, 2013, 10:50:18 PM

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zDark Shadowz

Barbarian Perk

Marked Raider

For the marked raider, the application of war paint is not just a symbolic ritual before battle, through various means the raider has infused their war paints with magical protective properties, allowing them to charge at their foes without fear in the coming hours.

Rage: 4 Str 4 Con +2 Will Duration 7 rounds

Level 1: 5% physical immunity, +3 Herbalism
Level 5: 10% physical immunity, Dodge. If not already in possession of it, gain 1dX Ethereal War Paint per reset (dice dependant on CHA mod, minimum one)
Level 8: 15% physical immunity, +2 wisdom. If not already in possession of it, gain 1dX Protective War Paint per reset (dice dependant on CHA mod, minimum one)

Level 1: 4/4/, 1
Level 4: 6/6/, 1d2 (at +2 modifier)
Level 8: 8/8/, 1d3 (at +3 modifier)

zDark Shadowz

Red Star Defiant suggestion

/c fighter_perk heal on its own cool-down timer separate from the other 3 basic fighter perk abilities would be appreciated, thanks

Or more junk weapons with +1 AB to specific races for RSDs to collect so they don't lock themselves out of healing when they need to break past DR (spell applied or natural DR) on things.

Would not mind if the junk racial weapons had both AB increase and decrease properties for the net effect of a weapon whose attack roll can't be increased but bypasses DR.


Apothecary Rogue Perk Suggestion

Instead of dissipating potions (some of which don't work, like levitation) I suggest it instead get an increase of 1 hp healed per tick on herbs.

Instead of 1 every tick, it'll be 2 regularly. If they have SF heal, it'll be 3 per tick.


Agree with zDark suggestion about RSD. Heal seperate timer from the others. Hardly ever use the others because you would lose your ONLY chance to heal a little. They can't chug potions or drink invis to survive bad situations.

Also would be nice to able to use the lvl 8 perk more than 1/day similar to the melee based lvl 8 rogue perks which are 3/day.

Certified Retrievals

Maybe a fighter perk that lets you give your weapon keen edge 1/day but destroys the weapon afterward or something


Just a couple of alterations to current sorcerer perks and some new ones:


Contriver: Level 8 Add Heavy Armour - -45% Spell Failure.

Cultist: Allow Cultist to pick from a larger range of summons in the start area. Lesser planar binding counts as +1 summon from the sorcerers theme (So they have a permanent 4th Circle summon instead of 3rd).

Zealous Faith: Allow the benefits of the spell modifications to affect targets as well as self cast.


Level 1: Immunity to cloud based spells. +2 vs poisons.
Level 5: All cloud based spells are treated as if cast with Extend Spell. Any creature who fails a save in a cloud based spell cast by the sorcerer must past a fortitude save or be afflicted with Spore Fever (Custom disease: Movement speed reduced by 10%, Vulnerability to gasses (takes 1d10 damage per round while caught in a cloud effect). Spell alteration: Iron Guts; if cast by the sorcerer offers protection against spore fever to target creature.
Level 8: +2 fort. Sorcerers skin permanently takes on a mushroom like appearance, +2 natural AC, Skin colour is changed to barkskin effect, cloud spells now have a % chance (each round) of removing one random beneficial spell from any creature caught within.

Plague Belcher
Level 1: Worn armour receives property On hit: Disease (as the spell) DC:14. +4 vs diseases. Flies Circle. (Fat phenotype only)
Level 5: Custom ability: Plague Belch 1/day; Cone effect disease DC:14 + Charisma modifier. Any creature who fails a fortitude save will be inflicted with a custom plague. Only removable by a cure disease spell/potion or salutary tonic with a successful heal check pass of DC:21. Plagued creature will suffer the following effects over time:
Instantaneous: -2 Dexterity, -10% movement speed, -2 Fortitude
After 5 Turns: Additional affect: Additional -10% movement spell, -1ab, 10% spell failure.
After 10 Turns: -1 hp tick every 5 rounds. (until cured).
Level 8: Invisible aura of disease; any creature that walks close to the Sorcerer must make a fortitude save or be afflicted with a random disease. +2 con. Spell Alteration: Contagion; when cast on a PC if the fortitude save is failed, they are afflicted with the Plague Belch ability in addition the the random disease. Plague Belch 2/day.



Sorcerer Perk:

Matter Manipulator
Level 1: /3 Bludgeoning resistance, 3/day tool (Equivalent of ranged disarm vs discipline check), unlimited/day tool (limited to 1/round) can target a projectile and launch it at a target without the use of a ranged weapon (bolts/arrows/bullets etc..) uses ranged touch attack.
Level 5: Gain feat: Deflect Arrows, 1/day tool - knocks down all targets for 1d2+1 rounds around the caster (check vs discipline)
Level 8: +2 will, 5/day player tool (Same as levitate potion), 10% chance a hostile spell or attack will miss the sorcerer and be deflected back at the attacker.


Sorcerer Perk:


Level 1:
The sorcerer is able to bring forth an exact replica of themselves (Through familiar being a custom familiar) the copy is exactly the same in every way except the replica's charisma is capped at 10 (meaning no spell casting ability and can't use items only equipped with what the player is equipped with). The replica is a part of the sorcerer and as such their fates are intertwined, should one of them fall so shall the other. (Sorcerer is instantly subdued/killed if the replica is destroyed depending on combat mode used). The sorcerer or replica are able to gain multiple powerful benefits at the risk of the safety of the other (can be switched by using a player tool while not in combat).
Bonus: +2 strength, +2 Con, +5 Spellcraft, +10% Movement Speed, 10% Immunity to damage.
Negative effects: -2 Strength, -2 Con, -1 Universal saves, -10% movement speed, 10% vulnerability to damage.
Level 5:
3/day spell ability regroup.
Additional bonus: +1/5 dr, /1 resistance to fire/water/electric/acid, 10% concealment.
Additional negative effects: -2 Dodge AC, 10% vulnerability to fire/water/electric/acid.
Level 8:
Additional bonus: 14 Spell Resistance, +1 universal saves, spell DC counts as +1 for all spells, +2 Natural AC, Armour receives on hit chaos shield level 3.
Additional negative effects: -Universal saves changed to -2, Armour received -2 ac, +15% spell failure, Can not go invisible.

The sorcerer gains no benefits while the replica is not summoned and may control the replica using the companion tool. If the replica is defeated (Brought to 0 hp or less) the sorcerer is immediately subdued/killed (depending on combat mode used). If the sorcerer is killed or subdued the replica is instantly destroyed. If the replica is un-summoned while in combat, the sorcerer is instantly subdued.

zDark Shadowz

With this last suggestion, the charisma would need to be set lower or the replica could cast cantrips.

Would there be any penalties for people that left their replicas sitting at the beginning of QAs and areas so they could draw all the benefits to them without (virtually) any risk?

Also why have a negative effect as 15% failure to unload on to your replica if they can't cast spells? Is chaos shield something that accurately reflects the power of having a Twin?

Any RP rules about possessing your twin familiar? Speech or otherwise?

Should the Twins physical abilities be capped lower to prevent them from being a dex-based clone with effectively regenerative electric svirfneblin crossbow bolts?


A few alternate druid kit idea's!

Hivemaster: Druid Kit

While you are a druid who upholds the balance, your connection to insect-kind and vermin has always been very strong, where others found companions and home among the many animals of the wilds, you instead found kinship in the crawling, buzzing, and creeping insect life of the world, your connection to them has granted you additional powers in working in balance among them.

Level 1-Chosen at level 1, swarms of insects or spiders (beginning choice) now gather to the hivemaster, their strength dependent on level (Basically like maiden of woe, except with insect summon theme or spiders summon theme)

Level 5-The Hivemaster may now use animal empathy on all spiders and insect spawns (Midges, Hellwasps, beetles of all kinds, ect.) , however checks made to animal empathy non-vermin suffer a -5 penalty, Spiders of all variants are now also trainable as a animal companion.

Level 8-The Hivemaster gains access to a deadly wildshape form, a swarm of deep midges (Alternatively, Hivemaster gains stronger swarms of insects or spiders that are drawn to him, and in higher quantities)

Beastmaster: Druid Kit

Your connection with beast-kind was always strong, from the beginning of your oaths you've always been adept at calming and taming the beasts of the land, your instincts stronger and more feral, you are a master of either taming the feral hearts of the wild, or working so close in attunement, they recognize you as one of their own.

Level 1- +2 to Animal Empathy, Access to a special resource permitting unique and slightly stronger beast animal companions, those permitted depending on level (The Beastman Maughe possibly opening this resource?..)

Level 5- +4 to Animal Empathy (Does not stack with +2), Level requirements for Animal Companions are decreased by 1 Level

Level 8-+6 to Animal Empathy (Again, doesn't stack with previous bonuses), Spell Like Ability: Awaken (9) 1x Per Day

Blighter: Druid Kit (I know all of these bonuses basically exist and are granted when the rot lair is achieved, however, it would be nice if it were just a kit, so it doesn't require an app to show off some cool rot-themed power)

A druid who has taken to following the dark ways of Moander, their attunement to the rot, and it's servants has grown considerably, their power with the ley powers of rot strengthened considerably through their dark praise

Level 1- Access to weakest Formian wildshape

Level 5- Access to stronger formian wildshape, all rot-themed creatures are now friendly, Infestation of Maggots 1x per day

Level 8-Access to strongest formian wildshapes, Bonus Feat: GSF: Necromancy

Totem Druid: Druid Kit

You were born what you were, but your spirit, your spirit is a whole different matter.. What you choose to follow, what you've been attuned to on a spiritual level grants you additional power depending on your totem, making your powers and attunement to that animal, considerably stronger

Level 1-Choose upon taking, either Wolf totem, Bear totem, or Cat totem, depending on choice, totem druid gains a unique animal companion based off of their totem that grows in power similar to the houndmaster fighter kit,eventually becoming quite powerful if it survives long enough, and starting over if killed

Level 5-Gain a tool based on totem that can with a 5 min cooldown be used to apply a +2 to a stat based on your totem, the effect lasts until dispelled or death otherwise. Wolf: +2 Strength. Bear: +2 Constitution. Cat: +2 Dexterity. These bonuses stack with other statistic buffs, intended to be basically be a permanent +2 to stat based on totem without effecting permanent scores.

Level 8-All wildshapes falling under the category of wolf, bear, or cat totem depending on your choice receive a considerable buff bonus that is reapplied whenever the form is refreshed.


One last Druid kit idea!

Pack Leader:  Druid Kit

It's in your blood, you were born to lead your fellow animals into unity that would leave you all invincible. You have the blood of the beast in you, your soul is that of a animal reborn into intelligence and cunning, and the spirits of your ancestors run alongside you strengthening the pack, strengthening you.

--All bonuses granted only last as long as you are wildshaped, and only activate when wildshaped--

Level 1- Choose an animal past at the beginning of choosing this kit, available pasts: Wolf, Bear, Feline. Depending on your chosen animal, you now get 1 animal companion per modifier of base charisma scaled by levels for maximum. (2/3, 3/6, 4/9) your animal companions now being spiritual versions of your past animal, your animal ancestors, they are moderately strong, however, for every companion, you now gain +1 AB, +1 AC, and +10 (or 5) Temp Hp per companion you have with you, stacking on top of any other bonuses to yourself and to your companions lasting as long as the temp hp is still up, this ability only activates when you are in a wildshape of the same animal as your past.

Level 5- You can now Animal empathy 1 additional animal as long as the additional animal is of the same type as your past animal (cave prowlers for feline, worgs/deep wounds for wolf, cave bears for bear) per 5 levels (2/5,3/10) and for every animal of your type you have animal empathied, you and your pack, including companions and the animal empathied animals gain +1 damage, the ability only activating when you are in a wildshape of the same animal type, the bonus only lasting as long as the companion temp hp.

Level 8- The favor of extra consideration for powerful shapes of your past animal (Cave Bear-Bear, Ymphian Saber Tiger-Feline, Black Wolf-Wolf) not gaurenteed the shape, but functions as a boon to the rp consideration, an app must still be passed however.


  • RSD: Make app only, or maybe make monk ascetic open
  • Rebel/Vigilante: Protection against alignment is applied through their fighter perk rather than a potion and apply to nearby allies for Fighter level/turns. Standard /c fighterperk benefit still lasts old duration.
  • Slaver: Weapon Proficiency at level 1
  • Houndmaster: Automatically updates your journal with your dogs name if it dies.
  • Apothecary: Immunity to Poison. Player tool to produce a random set of dissipating potions for gold and experience. Random results.
  • Shadow: +2 hide/ms if small. +4 if medium. Rogue player tool to use vanishing smoke 2/rest instead of gaining the object. Using displacement causes it to be cast as if you are a spellcaster and gives them a shadowy VFX. Maybe change to concealment bonus.
  • Spymaster: Different forms. Generic shapes appropriate for your current size. Human, Dwarf, Halfling, etc.

Gore Reaver rework

QuoteLevel 1: 5% Damage Immunity, Bonus Feat: Cleave
Level 5: 10% Damage Immunity, Slain Enemies can heal the Reaver
Level 8: 15% Damage Immunity, +2 CON

Rage Bonus
+1 AB,+5% DI, +4 vs Fear. +1 Vampiric Regeneration
Duration: Turn * (Con + Barb Level ) before raging.

A base 50% chance on a kill against an enemy not immune to sneak attack/critical hits to grant the barbarian a stacking strength bonus, a stacking AC penalty, and a 5% movespeed bonus that lasts 1 turn. A new stack refreshes the duration.

Charisma modifiers to bonus kill proc chance, strength cap, and max AC penalty cap reduction
Level 1 rage is capped at +10%/+4/-4 | +1
Level 4 rage is capped at +20%/+6/-3 | +2
Level 8 rage is capped at +50%/+10/-2 | +4 ]



Witchcraft -
Whether one who finds their home within the bogs, or who's hands are oft found clasped around the stirring rod of a cauldron, witches who make their home amongst the Archipelago's numerous exotic herbs and reagents find a welcome boon in their pursuit of creating concoctions that negate their otherwise gossamer and abnormal outward appearance.

Level 1: +5 EFUSS Alchemy, +5 EFUSS Herbalism, +2 VS Disease, Use Poison
Level 5: +5 Spellcraft, + 2 VS Poison
Level 8: Regeneration +1



Witchcraft - Whether one who finds their home within the bogs, or whose hands are oft found clasped around the stirring rod of a cauldron, witches who make their home amongst the Underdark's numerous exotic herbs and reagents find a welcome boon in their pursuit of creating concoctions that negate their otherwise gossamer and abnormal outward appearance.

Level 1: Skin/Hair colour restrictions removed, +2 VS Disease and Poison, Use Poison
Level 5: +5 Spellcraft, Special Witch's Cauldron: brews potions at reduced XP costs (must have Brew Potion). If the Brew Potion feat is not found, the Cauldron will still create 1 Potion of any potionable spell cast at regular gold and XP costs when used by the Witch.
Level 8: Regeneration +1, Witch's Familiar has permanent Augment Familiar and increased HP, along with an increased XP drain for the Witch if it dies. If the Familiar dies, the bonuses will not come back until the next reset.


I suggest getting rid of the Alchemy/Herbalism bonuses, while giving the Witch something thematic towards crafting. The familiar suggestion is based on the relative power of other level 8 perks, and again, something thematic for Witches.



Campaign Veteran
Heroes who return from war are often scarred by the experience, and their wounds serve as a reminder of victories or defeats in campaigns past. For a soldier, the fight is not over because you have lost an eye or a limb. The fight is never over, until you have given everything you have to your cause. A Campaign Veteran will learn to make their disabilities part of their unique fighting style.

Level 1:
Effects at each level are dependent on which Optional Impairments your character takes in the OOC area. Bonuses stack with previous bonuses unless otherwise stated.

Lost Left Arm/Forearm/Hand: +2 Dmg on held melee weapon.
Lost Leg(s): +1 Deflection AC.
Light Sensitivity: +3 Concentration, +3 Discipline.
Dark Sensitivity: +3 Listen, +3 Search.

Level 5:

Lost Left Arm/Forearm/Hand: +1 AB.
Lost Leg(s): +1 Dodge AC.
Light Sensitivity: 1/day Darkness.
Dark Sensitivity: 3/day Light.

Level 8:

Lost Left Arm/Forearm/Hand: +2 Dex.
Lost Leg(s): +2 Con.
Light Sensitivity: Ultravision
Dark Sensitivity: Blind-Fight feat.


While deserving the nerf, Jungle Hunter lost too much and is now floundering about. As a way to give them a bit more strength and make them more in-line with other perks, I suggest giving them 1/2/3 piercing damage on rage.

This would give it a bit more oomph without making it nearly as absurd as it used to be.