Perk Suggestion Thread

Started by Talir, January 16, 2013, 10:50:18 PM

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Ranger Favored: Ooze
5 damage reduction vs acid
5+ vs poison



Pikeman (Fighter)
Pikemen are the most basic infantry in any army, armed with polearms to devastating effect. With the advantage of reach alone, many novice combatants have been trained to inflict great harm in the short timespan of a month. From the Dalelands Farmer with a sharp rock and a stick, to the Archendale Soldier armed with a well forged Glaive, the Pikeman's use in battles across Toril have been tried and true beneath the test of time, and remain well valued to this day.

Level 2: 1D4 additional piercing damage to the wielder's damage when wielding a spear (so that their damage may look like 1D8+str/half+1d4), and a 1D2 additional piercing damage to the wielder's damage when wielding a halberd (so that their damage look like 1D10+str/half+1D2).
Level 6. Bonus Feat: Improved Initiative.
Level 8: +4 discipline.


Scrounger (Rogue level 8)

"Finding the forgotten and ignored, the false bottom of a crate or the dusty skeleton in the rubble. The lost relics and trinkets of the world are yours to find for in a world of the delicate you're the one who gets down and dirty. A boon to adventurers and merchants everywhere. When something is lost, they know who to call."

Bonus: +4 Search, Open Lock, and, Spot, 5% physical DI. When ever you search a container you have a chance based on your search, spot, appraise, and, lore of finding an additional piece(s) of random loot. You also gain a special light weight shovel.


Ruiner (Barbarian|Evil only)

"You have left ruin in your wake, dozens of corpses which twitch and heave in the path of your culling blade. The dead never lay still when your damned bloodline goes to war and this talent once hated and disgusted has finally had room to grow. What ever sinister power cursed your blood line or dark pact was made to grant this most unholy of potency it shall be put to dark and glorious use."

Level 1: 5% Damage Immunity, +3 intimidate, Negative energy resist 1/-
Level 5 : When you kill a foe there is a small chance it reanimates into a Zombie, +2 lore, +2 Spell craft, Negative energy resist 3/-
Level 8: 10% Damage Immunity, You can now have additional animated zombies, Bonus feat SF: Necromancy, Negative energy resist 5/-

+1 Ab +2 Con +1 Will 5% physical DI 5% negative DI -2 ac
Duration: Rounds/level + Cha Modifier

Special: +1d4 negative damage against Good alignment. If Charisma is 14 or higher: CL 1 Negative energy burst on hit

Charisma modifies to Ab/Con/Negative DI
Level 1 rage is capped at +1 +2 5%
Level 4 rage is capped at +2 +4 10%
Level 8 rage is capped at +4 +8 15%

Embalmer (Sorcerer|Evil Only)

"Gray gloves they call them in the dark, the Jergalite and corpse tender. You may call to the lord of nothing or to some other aged power of death, but one thing is certain, you are a rehearsed hand around the dead. You know what is needed to prepare these forms for their mandated duties and what is required to ensure they reach their full potential in death. You are not unpracticed or maddened like that of the lesser arts of animators. No, you are an artist of death, your creations the pinnacle of undead manifestation."

Spell Changes:

Flame weapon becomes necrotic infusion, when used on a corpse you grant it a powerful boon, infusing it with unholy powers through the carefully scribbled runes on its form. +d4 negative damage and +2 ab to what ever weapon the undead is holding.

Stone bones becomes Crypt skin, Castable on yourself and undead you have summoned, +3 ac +1/3 levels Natural Ac, 15% physical DI.

Stoneskin is selfcast only, when casted it applies a Soak 10/+5 for 50 points of damage to your undead.

Haste is selfcast only, when casted it makes all undead gain 20% movement speed.

Flame hands damage becomes negative as does its combust ticks and for every target hit, the caster gains d4 temp hp for 1 turn.

Combust becomes Foul Bloom, if casted on a person it will work normally with negative damage being done instead of fire applying a stacking 10% slow, if casted on an undead it grants the corpse a damage shield of d8 negative damage for Turn/Level

Level 1: Animate dead token 1/day. Gain an Embalmed Corpse per RESET, +4 heal, +4 lore. You may only animate a single corpse.

Level 5: +5 Alchemy +5 Painting The maximum ceiling for undead augmentation increases. Summoned undead gain turn resistance of your level +2

Level 8: Animate dead token becomes 2/day. You gain TWO Embalmed Corpses per RESET, You may animate two corpses. +4 Spellcraft, the ceiling for undead augmentation grows even higher.


Heretic Level 8 perk (Rogue)

"Damn their Dogma and to the rest, a seat in the blasted and overfilled hells. You have fought against the clergy of a region and their ways, be you a Talontar Poisoner or Tormite crusader, warring in the name of the divine against your foes relentlessly. Yet, as the lords above grew silent so did your faith, and your war became one of survival instead of reaping holy vengeance. You take what tools you need to survive now, damning holy purpose."

Perk Bonuses: +3 UMD, +2 Will | UMD can now unlock a single Relic-guardian item at a time, DC for use being 15 + Spell Circle + Cleric level, you can also absorb the power of guardian relics.

zDark Shadowz

Contriver perk alteration:

Mage Armor spell to provide a minimum of +2 AC regardless of armor-type, or apply a temporary property of weight reduction.

Reason: This sorcerer perk won't be using its light or medium arnor proficiency when they can cast Mage Armor on a robe (thats more likely to provide spell slots for Sorcerers) for the same AC, no armor check penalties or DEX modifier caps and save a considerable amount of weight in the process.


Weapon Animator (sorcerer):

A sorcerer whom is attuned to weapons, and able to call them to do their bidding in battles and slay their enemies while they stand watching from a distance.

Level 1: the sorcerer's equipped weapon has +3 vampiric regeneration (From lifestealer perk, to give your weapons Vamp Regen), Shelgarn's (5) 3/day.

Level 5: Magic Fang (2) 2/day, Greater Magic Fang (8) 1/day, Bless (2) 2/day. Gain 2 plain quarterstaves on Rest.

Level 8: Gain a special Quarterstaff that is not destroyed by Shelgarn's. Gain this only once.


Quote from: Pentaxius;n667916WARLOCK

Bard perk. Application required.
Unique Eldritch blast and powers, bard song disabled.

I legit just wanna see a Warlock perk. PLEASE, TALIR!


Sorcerer Perks


You have heard them calling for you. They speak to you in indescribable tongues. Secrets await those who search outside this ignorant world. Few dare follow this path.It is as much a path of knowledge as it is a path of madness. To delve into the alien mind is to remove all known logics, all known standards, all previous truths to the human mind... Will your mind survive the eldritch truths? Or will it turn to mush as you delve deeper and deeper...

Level 1: Lore +3, EFUSS Astronomy +3. random -1 Star/aberrant summoning theme

Level 5: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 3/day, -2 Wisdom

Level 8: The Brink of Madness. You are near the peak of truth... you delve deeper than you ever have into the recesses of your mind.... and confront the madness within. Grab a DM and roll on the Brink of Madness table when you hit level 8. Possibility of permadeath. Regular star/aberrant summoning theme.

Required: Non-good alignment


Long has the desire to make someone rot been in the mind of men... long has plague and poison been seen as a righteous justice on the deserving... and long have you held this strange power. Whether it be the streets, sewers, swamps, or bogs, you have not only survived, you have conquered it. Your own body now a living vessel for plague. You are content to spread it wherever you go... content to see the world that rejected you punished.

Level 1: Rot or rat summoning theme. Immunity: Disease, Armor has On-hit: Contagion, vermin do not attack you.

Level 5: Stinking Cloud now reduces occupant fortitude by 3. Contagion 2/day

Level 8: Debilitating Aura. An aura surrounds the plaguebearer forcing all nearby diseased players to make a fortitude save DC 14 + caster cha or else take disease/poison damage.

​Required: Evil alignment


It is not unknown for fey tricks to end in blurry nights and mysterious births. Your own birth was said to have brought a celebration lasting days. Your presence brings unintended rounds of drinks, pleasures, and susceptible people... You find a deep satisfaction in spreading this whimsy... but for what purpose? To manipulate your victims before you land the killing blow? To keep a lord's banquet entertained with shining lights and dazzling displays. Your blood urges you to revel and find joy in your powers.

Level 1: +2 Persuade, +2 Bluff, Armor has On-hit charm person. On rest receive a 1x paint bomb and 1x unique drug.

Level 5: Fey-Drunk player tool: You make the target drunk on fey power. The target receives +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, and +10 concealment. This can be considered a hostile action.

Level 8: Fairy wings. On hit charm is removed and replaced with on-hit confusion. The DC for this will be low.

Required: Chaotic alignment

<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Rogue perk - Gypsy
(desired to be added) Gives a +5 to Efuss skill Wilderness survival or a being able to rest without a fire.
(reason) Gypsies are a traditionally nomadic group, and while some may have settled down in a certain area it is more common for the majority to move around.


Barbarian Perk

Axe Thrower: In many primitive cultures mighty men throw mighty axes at their foes. You are one of these men. All before you fear the deadly throwing axes!

1. +5% damage immunity; Random set of throwing axes each rest; Weapon Specialization: Throwing Axes.

5. +10% damage immunity; Extra 5% damage immunity to slashing; 100% weight reduction 'axe sack' only to be used for throwing axes.

8. +15% damage immunity; Extra 5% damage immunity to slashing (total +10 extra); Improved Critical: Throwing Axes.

**Same as default**


Rogue minor perk: Fisher

The ones whom have mastered patience, a keen eye, and the reflexes needed for going after the biggest and toughest catches in the underdark, whether to feed their families or the thrill of the greatest catch.

Pure bonus: +2 spot, +1 reflex, +5 EFUSS Fishing


It's been proposed. But the problem is you can't have a confusion effect that bypasses immunity to mind affecting. I agree one round of confusion once and a while would be the most thematic effect.  


Quote from: Pentaxius;n675007It's been proposed. But the problem is you can't have a confusion effect that bypasses immunity to mind affecting. I agree one round of confusion once and a while would be the most thematic effect.

Are you sure about that? Laughing Gas bypasses mind affecting immunity.
[url=]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


Posting a reminder here that this thread is for perk suggestions, not discussions.