False names

Started by el groso, December 30, 2012, 07:38:38 PM

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I think if you don't want people to call you something, don't name him it.

The Old Hack

My next character will be named Floccinaucinihilipilificatrix but will introduce herself as Flo. It will be interesting to see what people will prefer to use.


...what? >.>


I remember on another server where a dude was using a fake name for his character. I later found out the character doesn't even know his real name, never has and likely never will.

Anyhow, what are the cons of using a somewhat similar system to the disguise system on Arelith?


Arelith's disguise system is rather grating on the nerves. So many "Plainly dressed men" "Mysterious individuals" and "Shadowy figures" everywhere, just hanging around outside the Nomad, it's ridiculous.

Don't use a disguise trivially, have it mean something, and make it clear when you are disguised that that is what you are doing. Your real name should be what you use 90% of the time, or don't use any name at all. When you want to use a disguise/fake name, use it seldom when it serves a purpose.
