Escape from the Prison Prelude

Started by Sternhund, December 02, 2012, 10:13:17 PM

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I really enjoyed the prelude last night so derflar0 and I are doing a second one. You will be allowed to play a prisoner or a prison guard. More details to come, but like last time, we are not expecting many, if any, players to survive. We are encouraging throw away characters in addition to the more serious ones, so everyone is invited.

This will go down in about 1.5-2 hours. I'll make an announcement on shout/IRC closer to the time.


No subraces or app characters please.


Was very fun! I hope you guys do more of these, they're a nice change of pace.


Thanks again for participating. That was fun! And extremely chaotic.

Super special thanks to derfo, core, shadowcharlatan