Forum formatting buttons

Started by prestonhunt, September 08, 2008, 02:21:14 PM

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Maybe I just cant find them, but I'd really like the little formatting buttons back here in the forums, when you make a new post.  (The ones that make a highlighted sentence bold, italic, etc).




These aren't appearing for me in IE, and niether are the advanced editor options I have when I'm using Opera.

Really though, no one should be using IE.


This guess is a long shot, but it might be an AJAX issue with your browser (unlikely, but possible!).  There are a bunch of new AJAX features in vBulletin that were not around in the old forums.


To turn on the formatting features, go to the top of this page, click on "User CP" (CP = control panel).  A list of control panel options will appear on the left-hand side of the screen.

Click on "Edit Options" (under the "Settings and Options" header), then scroll down to the bottom of the page to "Miscellaneous Options".  You will find a couple different settings for being able to format text.