Spontaneous Prelude

Started by Howlando, November 17, 2012, 03:18:01 AM

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In about an hour from now (so around 11:40 PM EST?) or whenever I get finished I am going to run a prelude quest explaining how a group of new characters arrive to the Island. It will be a survival challenge and probably most (all?) characters will die, but should any make it they will have big rewards. Anyone who wants is welcome.


The prelude will begin with a pirate vessel and the prisoners/slaves in the hold. You can play either the Pirates or captured passengers/slaves.

The vessel will be on its way to Old Port for the pirates to sell the slaves, but was first becalmed by the Mist and then...


Anyone means anyone.

Howland said on IRC that one shot characters just for tonight are fine folks, so, come on down!


OK, 100% fatality rate so far. But I'm going to refine this as long as the server is up and will offer another shot sometime Saturday morning probably.


Only a 94.7% casualty rate on round 1!

That was awesome.  Please make this a weekly thing.

The Frying Weegee

I would agree, but won't that make char's with a certain concept become more powerful than others?


As the areas I made were lost to a crash, I won't do this now. But - ! Survival preludes are fun and I'm sure I'll do more in the future (with more time for preparation/balancing), and DM Big Bill Sherry has something soon also....


Yes, please sign up.

Remember, monster PC's will be allowed without an app.

 Four players signed up so far, but I would like around twenty!