Unleash Undead

Started by Random_White_Guy, November 16, 2012, 03:46:28 PM

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So, Necromancy is one of those things on EFU that has always been suitably epic and fun, but more and more I think it is on the PC end so easily stymied. PCs are able to do some seriously fun stuff with animation and conjuration and alchemy and all that but it got me thinking-

What if you could unleash undead? Summon them and then turn them into persistent spawns and globally hostile creatures for a single reset.

Leave a handful of guards outside a meeting that would attack anyone as a psuedo alarm, populate your local graveyard, start a panic in some corner of Mistlocke. So often when anyone sees animated zombies their first instinct is "See Invis + Stomp Necromancer" effectively eliminating an entire force of undead.

I just think it'd add a potential level of subterfuge and ability to hype a necromantic presence without risking such blatant FD. From local cultists to Merchants trying to sell more anti-Undead items by summoning their own undead, then after the attack acting like it's so horrific and buy my "undead warding potions!"

It'd be like a little random encounter that PCs themselves could create without overly needing DM presence. The ability to leave those scribed signs or threatening notes from the writing box...but now amongst your mob of zombies = A pretty cool way to make a name for yourself
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Agree, plus this sounds a lot more fun.



I would fund our Korean scripter studio for a month for this.   This would be awesome.


That definatly sounds awesome.


I think this would definitely allow for a greater level of tactical freedom and creativity, too.

When Shevarra and her crew recently attacked Mistlocke with a bunch of undead, I think they just needed to abduct someone. They managed to black out someone but their retreat was delayed because the summons had to be used to keep the village occupied. Had Shevarra transitioned out sooner, so would have the skeletons making for a messy retreat.

Sheer Gluttony

I think this is a very good idea, I suppose I'd also suggest rather than have summons simply disappear if you go over the points cap, have them turn on the creator or something similar maybe.


Sounds like an awesome idea.

I guess players will be responsible enough to not leave their created armies around for transition ganks.


cool ^^
something similar to the necromancer system could be added to druids as well, regarding persistent fighting plants, like the assassin vines...


Yes. Though this seems open for abuse by camping a bunch of undead on a transition, much like some nature pc's would do  big scary animals.


Course I would think one of the guidelines would be don't put them near transitions, but also would the undead do full damage or subdue?

The Old Hack

Controlled undead would presumably do the same as the PC controller was set to. I would not ordinarily expect them to spar, mind. >.>

Uncontrolled undead once released would do full damage, I guess. Unless this hypothetical script was made so the unleashed undead could somehow be instructed to do another type.

As to transition abuse, well, I suppose it is a problem but not necessarily a big one. Our player base generally seems responsible. I would be willing to chance it.



I've wanted this since Mort wrote the animation script.  It would add so much more to being an Animator.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Given how this might be a little abuseable, having it as a cool reward for awesome RP'ers, or as a ritual one might find deep in the belly of Nebezzdos or the Conclave ruins. Or both!

Either way, I like it.

Knight Of Pentacles

EFU has a responsible playerbase. And those few irresponsible players that do come along tend to get sorted out fast.