Full Inventory / Item lost on pick-up

Started by Numos, October 18, 2012, 03:02:12 AM

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My PC's name is Avery Hawkins. While in the "Forlorn Underwood - Crossroads" area I unequipped a Wild Orc Longbow with a full inventory. I received the message "You cannot carry anymore items, your inventory is full" and the bow dropped on the ground. What I then did was right click the bow, and tried to equip it from the ground. I once again received the message "You cannot carry anymore items, your inventory is full" but the bow then vanished as opposed to entering my weapon slot OR falling back to the ground.

In any case... if it is possible to restore the bow I'd appreciate it. Its a gift of some significance to my character. If it were just an ordinary piece of gear I wouldn't bother making a fuss. Thanks!


Try to catch a DM IG.