EFU In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Kotenku, September 08, 2008, 05:53:45 AM

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Sending for Aesser Von Ardale
[11:55] <+Archipelago> ::( Dock Sending by Meriao Gensignr : Oi Asshair. I`ve got this scroll still. If you want it. 350 coins outside the wastrel. I`ll make it 325 if you get off your fat arse and run here. !. because that`d be hilarious to see. 2. because then i`d be doing you two favours. So get running tubby. I`m waiting, and I dont like being kept waiting. Gensignr. )::


Quote from: Listen in Silence;216831[23:12] lol belgian politics
[23:12] * DRD_ (DRD@dm-21971.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #EfU
[23:12] does anyone keep track of that?
[23:13] Does anyone keep track of Belgian politics?
[23:13] lol.
[23:13] Yea
[23:13] They used to be part of th e Soviet Union
[23:13] They arent any more
[23:13] that might be the most random question ever
[23:13] thats pretty much it.
[23:13] ... Belgium?
[23:13] Oh shit!
[23:13] ... Belgium?
[23:13] LOL
[23:13] Ugh...
[23:13] That was Bulgaria!
[23:13] >_<
[23:13] lol
[23:14] lol

It was lol, because the Belgians recently broke the record for longest cabinet formation period, btw. The problem with Belgian politics, basically, is that they can't form a coalition because nobody wants to confom to a certain law, but they can't change that law because there isn't currently a government.


City Sending by Crumn Gugush : Hello. I am not a follower of Shargaas, and I am looking for Conclave wizards for- uh- non-violent things. Meet me in the Wardens District- uh- come alone. -Friendly Guy, the Wizard. Hehe. )::

Spiffy Has

<+Archipelago> ::( Dock Sending by Avner Azyrian : I can`t... hold it... the mythallar... overused in too short a space of time!  Aaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....  )::
stygians: your #1 source for "i'm bored so FD"
blue41, sons 4 life
Poor Azyrian :(
I feel so bad for him.
<+Archipelago> ::( DM Shout : - a booming noise comes from Avners interior - )::


Hagrim Jawbraker, replying to an order to prepare for the next wave of Rot cultists:
"I am prepare... Everything."


You are pure class my elitist friend.


What're you talking about, I thought that quote was awesome.


[14:57] I've invented a new piece of cutlery!
[14:57] It's a dual fork!
[14:57] ...you need exotic prof to EAT now


[17:25] its not homo unless the tentacles are male
[17:25] idiot

Egon the Monkey

16:34    Equinox    Weed is a god given substance, put on this earth to make people happy. Its a plant, it just grows.
16:34    Equinox    and if by ACCIDENT
16:34    Equinox    you happen to set it on fire
16:34    Equinox    there are some amusing effect.
16:35    Iron_Oligarch    `kick Equinox If God had wanted you to be in this channel, he would not have given me the permissions to kick you.
16:35        *** Equinox was kicked by ChanServ ([Iron_Oligarch] If God had wanted you to be in this channel, he would not have given me the permissions to kick you.)
16:35        *** Equinox joined #EfU


RwG PCs would eventually just disappear when they got bored, or fell on a spoon while eating and bled out.


[11:13] I use Rage
[11:13] lol power walk
[11:13] haha
[11:13] And then I run back to the Zig FURIOUSLY COVERED IN TREASURE


14:03   GoblinSapper   Illmaters dogma is to prevent suffering
14:03   GoblinSapper   Sometimes that means cutting someones throat

Spiffy Has

The MAchine was actually a giant spelljammer

Knight Of Pentacles

Why the Count assigned Lord Blackhearth to supply his poor with provisions!

13:31  KnightOfPentacles:...Does the numinous order eat Stargazers?
13:31  Anon: Oh yeah, they do.
13:31  Eraamion: With an apple stuffed in their mouth.
13:31 Capricious: We prefer paladins, to be quite honest.
13:31 Anon: Obviously.
13:32 Anon: Teril is just for later.
13:32 KnightOfPentacles: Ah, nothing like a charred Lathanderite.
13:32 Eraamion: Paladin sautee with heathen sauce.
13:33 KnightOfPentacles:And for dessert, we'll have pudding-injected puppies.
13:33 KnightOfPentacles: Which is Emma's personal favorite.
13:34 Capricious: We've bred the puppies special.
13:34 KnightOfPentacles: To retain their cute and innocent flavour.