EFU In-Game/IRC Quotes

Started by Kotenku, September 08, 2008, 05:53:45 AM

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The Crimson Magician

Quote from: "Caddies" Yes Thomas the Younger, you were a major tard when you rocked up here.


[The Peeper] Alysarra Nolten: [Party]  sex
[Frostilicious] Aravae Kethryllia: [Party]  >_>
[Ommasaur] Celedril Moonfang: [Party]  // :O
[Frostilicious] Aravae Kethryllia: [Talk] //sec
Alysarra Nolten: [Party]  FFS. I meant Sec..
[Ommasaur] Celedril Moonfang: [Party]  // suuuure you did

Oskar Maxon


I was all like, "omg fuk heart attack."
And it was all like, "mawhawhaw."
And then it was all, "*pukepukepuke.*


Rukmini [Tell]: Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the Trogs of war!


Morva and Nickless can both die in a hole.
strong words
What? :(
what have they done to invoke your wrafff?
He voted agin me.
I don't even know who he plays!
No I didn't!
I voted for you
Did too!
Because I love Highwind so much.
It's an open vote, I can see your name in the No pile.
You lying sack.
I blame, Sternhund
You're a liar and a thief.
I thought it was supposed to be a secret ballot!
lol, nickless is busted
No Nickless.
I mean, ICly.
Nickless lied, caught on tape


.....I'm not going to make the claims Cruzel has, but I was into Martial Arts in high school, and despite going to an all-girls Catholic High School, I did get in trouble for fighting a few times. -_-'


<@Calculor> ok you guys all blow
* Krunto is now known as Kiaringfightnext
<+Alyssara> I was a Freshman at my school, and hazing was a sort of tradition.  I was kind of a quiet kid, a nerd and a geek obviously, who kept to myself.
* Kiaringfightnext is now known as Krunto
* illuminaughty is now known as IHopeThereAreBoobsInThisStory
* Krunto is now known as LolPopOutAndPulledHair
<@Calculor> anymore name changers get kicked and banned
<@Calculor> and miss the tale
<@Calculor> do so only if you want to miss out on bp battle
<+Alyssara> This bitch of a junior girl decides to make me her little pet project.  Catholic school girls in a non co-ed school can be really fucking horrible, but I ignored it for the most part.  Until one day I was sitting at this table on a small raised landing(About say, five to six feet on a patch of grass above ground).
<+Alyssara> Well she comes up behind me, doing her usual shit, and I ignore it until she pours her drink on top of me.  So I stand up, and she yanks the necklace I was wearing, breaking the chain.  Well, it was a gift from my grandmother, who had died five years prior to that, so I was really upset....so I uh.....
<+Alyssara> Elbowed her in the jaw hard, kneed her hard in the abdomen, and she fell off the landing and broke her tailbone. -_-'
<@Calculor> Wow.
* whysoserious is now known as fellorpushed
<+Alyssara> The only reason assault charges were not filed is the dean determined she'd done enough that it might be considered that she assaulted me first.
* GrendelzZzZz is now known as needsmoarboobs
<@Calculor> ok Alys.
<@Calculor> As a reward-
<+Alyssara> It was more pushed, she was really close, and I kneed her pretty hard LTS.
<@Calculor> You get to talk politics.
* needsmoarboobs is now known as OMFG
<@Calculor> And no one else can speak.
<@Calculor> Haha
<+Alyssara> I was hoping for the experience reward. :(
<@Calculor> Haha
<+Alyssara> I was hoping for the experience reward. :(
<@Calculor> that's right you pieces of shit
<@Calculor> joke is on you
* fellorpushed is now known as obamaisablackman
* LolPopOutAndPulledHair is now known as Krunto
* IHopeThereAreBoobsInThisStory is now known as CalculorGiveMeGardeningXP
* Kiaring is now known as OnceMoreWeAreVictimsOfCalculor
<@Calculor> ok Aylssara.
* Cruzel is now known as knowsitsbecausehe
* OMFG is now known as TheHorror
<@Calculor> Go for it.
* OnceMoreWeAreVictimsOfCalculor is now known as AndHisGrudgeAgainstTheWorld
* knowsitsbecausehe is now known as doesntknowhowtochangeit
<@Calculor> Tell me about the economy,
<@Calculor> What is wrong with Obama's plan?
<+Alyssara> Calculor. The sad part is, I'm all politicked out, I don't want to talk anymore about politics. :(
* doesntknowhowtochangeit is now known as Cruzel
* AndHisGrudgeAgainstTheWorld is now known as FATULOR
* obamaisablackman is now known as lovethesuit
* TheHorror is now known as KitchenForBeerPls
<@Calculor> Please, I will not argue.
<+Alyssara> Two hours against the entire chat room will do that.
<@Calculor> Only listen.
<@Calculor> And so will all these nice people.
* FATULOR is now known as CalculorYouSpitefulLittleMan
* CalculorYouSpitefulLittleMan is now known as ReleaseUs
* Cruzel is now known as DrewcarrryIMO
* bobel|bedtime is now known as IActuallyLikedTheStory
<+Alyssara> I say you ban whoever called you Fatulor.
* Dashorama is now known as LOVE
* DrewcarrryIMO is now known as Cruzel
* Krunto is now known as lol
* ReleaseUs is now known as FATULOL
* CalculorGiveMeGardeningXP is now known as FATULOR^2
<@Calculor> no it's cool
* lol is now known as ihopetheyfight
<@Calculor> BP...
<@Calculor> If you don't talk politics...
* FATULOR^2 is now known as CalcisCrushingonBP
<@Calculor> Conservatives politics...
* ihopetheyfight is now known as calcwantsacrackatthat
* IActuallyLikedTheStory is now known as CalcAndBPSittingInATree
<@Calculor> I fear I will have to voice Cruzel.
<+Alyssara> Alright fine.
<@Calculor> And no one wants that.
* FATULOL is now known as NO
* NO is now known as CrimesAgainstMankindimo
* AKMatt is now known as LOLNOTCRUZEL
* CalcAndBPSittingInATree is now known as PleaseDont
<+Alyssara> Conservatives as well as liberals, would undoubtedly be happier living in the kind of world envisioned by the left.
* lovethesuit is now known as Imnothavingfun
* calcwantsacrackatthat is now known as reelherincalcyoucandoit
* LOVE is now known as Idontmind
* CrimesAgainstMankindimo is now known as ThankYouAly
* Imnothavingfun is now known as ImGoingToBlowUpASchool
* ImGoingToBlowUpASchool is now known as ShoutingCalculor
* ThankYouAly is now known as Fatulor
<+Alyssara> Very few people have either a vested interest or an ideological preference for a world in which there are many inequalities.
* ShoutingCalculor is now known as GunningDownChildren
* Fatulor is now known as FatulorIsADamnGoodNickname
* GunningDownChildren is now known as YouWillBeToBlame
* LOLNOTCRUZEL is now known as AKMatt
* Idontmind is now known as Dashulor
* FatulorIsADamnGoodNickname is now known as Kiaring
* YouWillBeToBlame is now known as I_LTS_WillBlowUpASchool
* KitchenForBeerPls is now known as DarthFatulorIMO
<+Alyssara> Even fewer would prefer a world in which vast sums of money have to be devoted to military defense, when so much benefit could be produced if those resources were directed into medical research instead.
* I_LTS_WillBlowUpASchool is now known as lovethesuit
* reelherincalcyoucandoit is now known as Krunto
* DarthFatulorIMO is now known as DefineDefense
* DefineDefense is now known as HereItComes
* Kiaring is now known as LessBSMoreConservativePolitics
* LessBSMoreConservativePolitics is now known as imo
* Cruzel is now known as VoicemeSheisStalling
<+Alyssara> It is hardly suprising that the youth of America prefer the left. The only reason for rejecting the left's vision is that the real world in which we live in today is very different from the world that the left perceives today or envisions for tomorrow.
* PleaseDont is now known as MoreMilitaryOffenseIMO
* VoicemeSheisStalling is now known as Cruzel
* imo is now known as Kiaring
<+Alyssara> Most of us learn from experience, but experience is what the youth are sorely lacking. "Experience" is often a fancy word for the mistakes that we belatedly realized we were making, only after the realities of the world made us pay the painful price for being wrong.
<+Alyssara> (In case anyone is wondering, yes I am stalling by quoting Thomas Sowell.)
<@Calculor> ah
* Illuminaughty is now known as anythingisbetterthanmccain
* Cruzel is now known as Cruz|Knewit
<@Calculor> sorry bp
* Cruz|Knewit is now known as Cruzel
* Calculor sets mode: -v Alyssara
* HereItComes is now known as ThisIsAnExcellentUseOfMyTime
* Calculor sets mode: +v Cruzel
<@Calculor> ok C-dog
<+Cruzel> Woot.
<@Calculor> tell everyone about martial arts
<@Calculor> and your skills
* Kiaring is now known as ShotgunSuicide
* ShotgunSuicide (MOTH@dm-28934.dsl.telesp.net.br) has left #EfU
* Vlaid is now known as Ihaveastoryaboutabusingpower
* lovethesuit is now known as ihaveamartialartsstory
* +Cruzel (Flux@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net) has left #EfU (Nah.)
<@Calculor> wow
<@Calculor> That actually worked!
* vlaidssoundsbetter is now known as mememe
* Ihaveastoryaboutabusingpower is now known as Whyothermutingchannel
* Cruzel (Flux@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net) has joined #EfU
* Whyothermutingchannel is now known as Ifeveryonecannickchange
* Cruzel is now known as LolSpurned
* MoreMilitaryOffenseIMO is now known as bob7el
* LolSpurned is now known as Cruzel
* Calculor sets mode: +b *!*@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net
* mememe is now known as lovethesuit
<@Calculor> damn
* Cruzel was kicked by Calculor (lolbanned)
<@Calculor> without cruzel i guess we just have LTS
* Calculor sets mode: +v lovethesuit
* lovethesuit is now known as iactuallydohaveastory
* iactuallydohaveastory is now known as lovethesuit
<+lovethesuit> oh shi
<@Calculor> ok go for it
<+lovethesuit> Okay.
<@Calculor> i am getting a burger
<+lovethesuit> I'm not a party animal or nothin', so I've only ever been to a bar once in my life.
* Guest919 (halfbrood@dm-9715.sotn.cable.ntl.com) has joined #EfU
<+lovethesuit> Once was enough for me, because the place was shitty.
* ThisIsAnExcellentUseOfMyTime is now known as PleaseStop
<+lovethesuit> :( And I ended up getting into a bit of trouble
* bob7el is now known as DoTell
* Ifeveryonecannickchange is now known as Vlaid
<+lovethesuit> So I was a little drunk. Again, my first time being drunk. Not a pleasant experience in my opinion, but that's only my opinion. And so I was on stage singing Suicide is Painless, karaoke style
<+lovethesuit> And I had the crowd cheering afterwards. I'm not good but I'm okay.
<+lovethesuit> Which is more than you can say for most people that sing karaoke.
<+lovethesuit> So I'm getting off the stage and all of a sudden this guy shouts out Have you ever even seen the show?
* +Cruzel (Flux@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net) has left #EfU (Nah.)
<@Calculor> wow
<@Calculor> That actually worked!
* vlaidssoundsbetter is now known as mememe
* Ihaveastoryaboutabusingpower is now known as Whyothermutingchannel
* Cruzel (Flux@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net) has joined #EfU
* Whyothermutingchannel is now known as Ifeveryonecannickchange
* Cruzel is now known as LolSpurned
* MoreMilitaryOffenseIMO is now known as bob7el
* LolSpurned is now known as Cruzel
* Calculor sets mode: +b *!*@dm-33466.cpe.mountaincable.net
* mememe is now known as lovethesuit
<@Calculor> damn
* Cruzel was kicked by Calculor (lolbanned)
<@Calculor> without cruzel i guess we just have LTS
* Calculor sets mode: +v lovethesuit
* lovethesuit is now known as iactuallydohaveastory
* iactuallydohaveastory is now known as lovethesuit
<+lovethesuit> oh shi
<@Calculor> ok go for it
<+lovethesuit> Okay.
<@Calculor> i am getting a burger
<+lovethesuit> I'm not a party animal or nothin', so I've only ever been to a bar once in my life.
* Guest919 (halfbrood@dm-9715.sotn.cable.ntl.com) has joined #EfU
<+lovethesuit> Once was enough for me, because the place was shitty.
* ThisIsAnExcellentUseOfMyTime is now known as PleaseStop
<+lovethesuit> :( And I ended up getting into a bit of trouble
* bob7el is now known as DoTell
* Ifeveryonecannickchange is now known as Vlaid
<+lovethesuit> So I was a little drunk. Again, my first time being drunk. Not a pleasant experience in my opinion, but that's only my opinion. And so I was on stage singing Suicide is Painless, karaoke style
<+lovethesuit> And I had the crowd cheering afterwards. I'm not good but I'm okay.
<+lovethesuit> Which is more than you can say for most people that sing karaoke.
<+lovethesuit> So I'm getting off the stage and all of a sudden this guy shouts out Have you ever even seen the show?
<+lovethesuit> Apparently my version was not quite close enough to the version from M.A.S.H.
<+lovethesuit> Fuck him.
* DoTell is now known as FuckHimUp
* PleaseStop is now known as WillThereBeBoobs
<+lovethesuit> So I get down off the stage, pick up a bottle in my hands and just chuck it across the room underhand
* Dashulor is now known as badass
* anythingisbetterthanmccain is now known as Illuminaughty
<+lovethesuit> And start walking towards him. He gets up, backs off a bit, then comes up because hey, barroom fight, fun for the whole family, why not
<+lovethesuit> And so we're staring each other down, me about as fat as the wind and with crazy long hair and a beard
<+lovethesuit> Him with
<+lovethesuit> Um
<+lovethesuit> Muscles
<+lovethesuit> And friends
<+lovethesuit> With muscles
* badass is now known as thisisagoodstory
<+lovethesuit> :( But me with kenpo
* Vlaid is now known as CarebearstareIMO
* WillThereBeBoobs is now known as kickToTheFaceImo
<+lovethesuit> And so we decides to do that little turny thing, and then go for the sucker punch
* FuckHimUp is now known as StealHisKnife
<+lovethesuit> NO knife
<@Calculor> haha
<+lovethesuit> So he rears back his fist
<@Calculor> steal his knife
<@Calculor> classic shit
<+lovethesuit> :( And then the whole thing explodes, I dunno who did it but somebody hits him with a shot glass
<+lovethesuit> And it's like everybody was waiting for it to happen
<+lovethesuit> I get shoved off balance and fall over a table, he gets socked in the jaw by what looked like one of his friends???
<+lovethesuit> I keep trying to get up and some guy is laughing and just pushing me over with a chair
<+lovethesuit> And I'm drunk so I can't get my balance
#EfU Cannot send to channel
<+lovethesuit> But from the floor let me tell you, it was a very interesting fight
* kickToTheFaceImo is now known as BestFightEvar
* thomas|APPED is now known as HelpIamdead
<+lovethesuit> So I finally get home
* StealHisKnife is now known as bob7el|lol
* HelpIamdead is now known as Logintoaid
<+lovethesuit> And I tell my mom, hey, first time at a bar and I got in one little fight
* Logintoaid is now known as orIwillKillyou
<+lovethesuit> She got scared
<+lovethesuit> And said
* BestFightEvar is now known as BELAIR
<+lovethesuit> I WHISTLE FOR A CAB
* thisisagoodstory is now known as iknewitr
<+lovethesuit> AND WHEN IT CAME NEAR
* iknewitr is now known as okaymyturn
<+lovethesuit> BUT I THOUGHT
* CarebearstareIMO is now known as Epicbelair
<+lovethesuit> NAH FORGET IT
<+lovethesuit> YO HOLMES
<+lovethesuit> TO BELAIR
<+lovethesuit> i pulled up to a house about seven or eight and yelled to the cabbie
<+lovethesuit> YO HOLMES
<+lovethesuit> SMELL YA LATER
<+lovethesuit> looked at my kingdom
<+lovethesuit> I was FINALLY there
* okaymyturn is now known as Dashulor
<+lovethesuit> to sit on my throne
<+lovethesuit> as the prince of bel air
<@Calculor> haha
<@Calculor> haha
<@Calculor> relish it fuckers
<+lovethesuit> But yeah the fight was still going on when my friends convinced me to leave
* BELAIR is now known as CalculorWillPayForThis
* Ommadawn|work is now known as Ommadawn
<@Calculor> yeah its cool to make fun of calc
<+lovethesuit> So all of a sudden the cops pull up behind us as we're a block away because apparently someone was drunker than me
<+lovethesuit> And turns out they pulled a knife
<+lovethesuit> Two people got very critically stabbed
<+lovethesuit> Like srs
<+lovethesuit> At least -4 hp
* bob7el|lol is now known as IThoughtYouSaidThereWasNoKnife
* CalculorWillPayForThis is now known as WhatAboutFaceKicks
<+lovethesuit> And the guy was shouting apparently, where's the fat guy, where's the fat guy
<+lovethesuit> And holy shit am I glad I got the shit out of there.
<+lovethesuit> :( But I've never gotten in a fight in my adult life
* Dashulor is now known as AreYouAnAdult
<@Calculor> is caddies here?
<+lovethesuit> I just lost my temper and got two people stabbed
<@Calculor> we'll assume he is
<+lovethesuit> -_-
<@Calculor> can you tell me about anime LTS?
<+lovethesuit> HELL YES I CAN
* IThoughtYouSaidThereWasNoKnife is now known as bob7el
* WhatAboutFaceKicks is now known as Mercy
<@Calculor> thanks : D
* AreYouAnAdult is now known as ICanToo
<+lovethesuit> Okay
<+lovethesuit> Let's start with my list of favourites
<@Calculor> Sure.
<+lovethesuit> Contestants for favourite all-time anime:
<+lovethesuit> Spice and Wolf,
<+lovethesuit> Genshiken,
* ICanToo is now known as BetterHaveGurenLaganOnIt
* Mercy is now known as ICanArrangeForHookersCalculor
* ICanArrangeForHookersCalculor is now known as MakeItStop
<+lovethesuit> Hidamari Sketch is pretty good but really artsy you know
* bob7el is now known as PrincessMononoke
<+lovethesuit> They never use the same art style in two episodes
* BetterHaveGurenLaganOnIt is now known as WhatAboutZetsuboSensei
<+lovethesuit> I never finished it, it's not on my list
* PrincessMononoke is now known as bob7el
<+lovethesuit> Lovely Complex was actually made into a life action movie
<+lovethesuit> Which is awkward.
<+lovethesuit> Genshiken was good because it was all about nerds and otaku
<+lovethesuit> And it was the first manga that I ever read
* WhatAboutZetsuboSensei is now known as GurenLaganIsBest
<+lovethesuit> Runners-up:
<+lovethesuit> Kamichu,
<+lovethesuit> Magipoka,
<+lovethesuit> Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu,
<+lovethesuit> Gakuen Alice.
<+lovethesuit> Kamichu is also really good, about a high school girl who wakes up one morning and it turns out she's a god
<@Calculor> LTS
<+lovethesuit> Yes Calculor
<@Calculor> I think we all want to hear about Lovely Complex.
* GurenLaganIsBest is now known as SchoolRumble
<@Calculor> Can you indulge me?
<+lovethesuit> Okay
<@Calculor> Thanks.
<+lovethesuit> Lovely Complex is about well
<@Calculor> Listen up everyone!
<+lovethesuit> It's about two high schoolers that are in love, except they're each got a height complex
<+lovethesuit> The girl is insanely tall, and she wants a tall guy
* Epicbelair is now known as Everyonespamcalculor
* SchoolRumble is now known as IThoughtTheyWereSiblings
* Everyonespamcalculor is now known as Wewillnotbeopressed
<+lovethesuit> The boy is really tiny, and only wants a short girl


"OnceMoreWeAreVictimsOfCalculor is now known as AndHisGrudgeAgainstTheWorld"



If you cared enough (I assume most didn't) to read through that, you'd have seen that I was the author of that particular little nugget of invaluable intarwebz wisdom.

"* AndHisGrudgeAgainstTheWorld is now known as FATULOR"

Still my favorite.
Current PC: Acolyte Itziyal Neniarral


age shouldn't matter, but moral righteousness should!


Quote<@ninelives> http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=L-kBYm3orog
I like that, statesecrets
That's a good song
I like at the beginning when it's all like
fwoosh downwards
zoom in
whoa dere a robot dere
film is rollin
lines on a screen and then like
oh shi here come da sparks
whats he lookin at oh shi
lazers oh yeah now i'm groovin
whats he lookin at, whats he shootin lazers at man, i dunno
lets find out
oh no way, you dont find out, you go in his brain
oh hey man, hawt chick made of gol
just chill out cuz ur a robot
floating past saturn
past nebula
oh shit
more robots they be like
playing command and conquer
but you dont care, you're watching a leg
yeah baby
kick that shotglass
do the robot
by which i mean me i am a robot
angry eyes
fuck his shit up, you a robot girl, you don't take that
lets hold hands against the world
pan up
and we jump out of it, slam, crackle
oh yeah, i can fly
look at each other while flying
what the fuck
now we're back to makin' some
Kotenku, I'm telling ninelives what I like about the video he linked
film's back, screen lines, lzer's back
more sparks. oh shit. what're we doing
what you lookin at robot
oh. whoops. back into his head. then we're all like
i think lovethesuit's a pretty cool guy. eh acts crazy and doesnt afraid of anything
zoom in
oh shit
two guys fightin
lazer swords
yeah robot lazer sword guys
fight that other guy
oh shit, you know, it's a knife fight
their arms are tied
we just chillin
you and me, gold robot babe
i smile a bit
you smile a bit
you say something
then i put my hands on your ass
oh shit
we're on the spinning part of the floor
the one that spins. i like that
you smile more and i see teeth holy shit
robot teeth look good
how are mine
oh shit
drink fight
1 2 3 4 i declare a drink war
the war is on hold
it is time for the dance
lets bust out of this shit, yeah, kick that door open
you dont even care, i grab your hand and we run
i talk to my wrist, hoyl shit, twhats that in the shadow
theres my car
now we are driving very fast
but i can fly so
i dunno
maybe i get a kick out of using gas
* Xorisai_ (Xorisai@dm-17418.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #EfU
* Xorisai (Xorisai@dm-17418.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
its pretty cool, it's a standard, so i shift the gear
im drivin, its pretty cool. i smile, you are like :O
oh shit
no way
i ran a red light
other cars spin out. you like oh shit, holding on to the dash
but I'm like :D I don't even know
mushroom cloud from a car collision
i like wasting ALOT of gas
i'm like
and you're all twitch twitch
hooooooooooooooh shit
ohhhhhhh no oh shit your head fell off
your eyes aren't even '_' theyre -_-
im liek
darth vader
oh shit
its your head
zoom back
its your gold robot babe body
throw the switch
lights go around
*full frontal leer*
eyes come up like
it's over
And that's what I really like about your video ninelives.

Oskar Maxon

LtS, what happened to:
Quote from: lovethesuit;91231Quoting yourself should be illegal.

(I can agree that should be quoted though, but don't bring us another wave of "I'm fun, look what I said."-quotes. Please?)

Luke Danger

Elpido Falconsight: You just lost to a wizard in melee combat, granted he is the most adept wizard I've seen in close quarter combat.

after I defeated a level 2 character pure rogue with a 1 fighter/3 wizard w/spells in a sparring match.


I have yet to titter uncontrollably. More IC funnies, less random IRC quotes...