Pen and Paper and INTERNET

Started by lovethesuit, January 16, 2009, 10:27:07 AM

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Is anyone here interested in putting together a P&P game to play over the INTERNET? I was thinking AD&D 3rd, 3.5, or M&M2e. It seems that the majority of people so far prefer a play-by-post game, so we'll be doing that unless something drastically changes. Who's game?

Winston Martin

Would you be open to running something non-fantasy?


Yeah, that's why I thought M&M2e would be more appropriate. Superheroes, man. That's good for any setting.


I'd be interested if we would do it post by post. Though I don't know the 2e rules very much.



I'd be interested in this, again preferably as a play by post game.


So far we've agreed on play-by-post! Changing the OP to reflect this. Any preference on systems? I'm willing to entertain suggestions for ones besides those I listed. Also, could a DM chime in on whether it would be acceptable to put the thread in this forum?

Oskar Maxon

Star Wars RPG, imo. Mostly because it's the only that I have any books of. ;)


I have a rare wierd schoolastic d6 rolling narration single player star wars RPG book-adventure that I could modify for some kind of cheap faster-than-efu sessionability that is very simplistic. (more of a choose your own adventure)  Hmmm. EDIT: TOTALLY cannot find it in my junkpiles.


Mutants & Masterminds seems like it could be really fun, what with the potential for four armed superheroes throwing their hands at people..

You've got to love telekinesis!


I'm wondering just what the limits are on that additional limb power... 14 arms and 27 legs? what





Will there be Cyborsex?


I am interested, lts, in Pen and Paper and INTERNET


I'm guessing that it's only limited by the amount of points you're willing to put into it, but my Adam's Family slanted mind immediately put the image of flying Things attacking people.

Some of these potential combinations are wonderfully insane.
