Harriet Thistlespike

Started by Calimport Smoke, September 18, 2012, 07:31:21 PM

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Calimport Smoke

Most overpaid Mercenary on Ymph set out to gain the 70,000 coin she calculated would take her to retire comfortably and deal with the withering, while in Calimport. On her first day she killed a man for calling her a cunt. An amazing level 3 vs level 3 rogue pvp. Thankfully, when it was reported and a high level group of market sitting wyrmwatchers investigated, she had already hidden the body and the people believed her story that the man had gotten up and run off towards the "morass." There even was a witness. It is good that the Muster was not so good at paperwork back then...

Also good that I invested in social skills, eh?

Because when I became MUSTER CAPTAIN I looked very carefully to make sure there was no little file called: Harriet? Suspected of MURDER.

I hope you all have the fortune to play such long lived and successful characters and to try out this muffin recipe from my Ma. Cali- OUT.


Spectacular character, very ruthless, cutthroat mercenary. Artemis initially liked Harriet, for the most part, but their own priorities eventually set them at opposite ends of the spectrum. They had a great rivalry building up near the end of Arty's career, and I would have loved to see that flourish.

The server won't be the same without her! RIP in peace o7


A schemer and survivor par excellence. I doubt there are many who can claim to be as involved in as much, and have had such great effect on the course of the setting's plot (by my admittedly limited reckoning, anyway, but hey, you made level 11! They don't just give those out.)

I had immense fun interacting with her across two characters and I'm sad we weren't able to get to the meat of this latest plot between her and the Mist Wraiths :(

Anyway, excellent job! I know you mentioned you weren't gonna make new PCs after this, but everyone goes through that phase. The spark of inspiration will hit again :)



Amazing character, very impressive lifetime :D


No use crying over spilt Harriet


Spiffy Has

I shall dip my balls in gold for you.

Well done.

The Old Hack

I did not interact that much with Harriet but thoroughly enjoyed the interactions I did have with her. Great, great character :)



She still frightens me.  Tiny savage hins throwing pebbles at light speed.  She was bad ass to say the least.  Sorry to see her go.


Awesome character. Shortest lived Elder EVER!

Edit: Where's our screenshots?!


I really really hope you enjoyed your end. You deserved a good one.


An awesome character as well as an awesome player.  Seriously.  I was impressed countless times by both her badassery and the OOC "fairness (lol)" shown.  

And it was one of my old chars that witnessed her kill the guy!  :)
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


nothing can stop the sling rogue


Simply badass.

FWIW, I knew she killed that guy! Tobias would never have tho, lol