Sid Wieldan

Started by domare, September 16, 2012, 06:38:24 PM

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Well guys, it was a super fun ride.  My character Sid Wieldan has been around for a very long time.  One of my longest running characters.  I have to say that I truely had a blast playing him and would totally recommend the Numinous Order to any of you with a thought about playing a religious faction.  A special thanks to all the DM's and Players I interacted with.  This was one of those characters I truely enjoyed playing.  

Background:  Sid started as a Stygian Militiaman prior to the great second shrouding.  He believed fully in the might of the Stygians and the power of the Conclave shield to keep the undead in check.  Additionally, Sid would mock the Pallid Mask in their pointless crusade against the Nightrisers.  That all came to an end, when the Nightrisers stormed the Dominion and slaughtered nearly everyone.

After he awoke, he was filled with grief.  He attempted to stem the grief he felt through service as a Musterman, but it only persisted.  He joined the Numinous Order as a way wash away his sins.  After being reborn as a religious text thumping Footman, he belived he was "Chosen" by the Unbroken.  One of the final goals I did not achieve was to have Sid Wieldan to die in battle to the Undead...during his personal Crusade.  

However, I did achieve a ton with him.  Enclosed are a few picks that were taken along the way.  

1. This is what started Sid Wieldan being a devote follower of the Unbroken.

2. A shield presented to Sid for honorble service.

3. A H'bala artifact destoryed

4. Strength is in numbers...Meeting with the Muster

5. What started Mistlocke discord...Jon Rossarts death

6. Response to Rossart's Death...

7. Response, to our response...

8. Sid's stats at the end.  His low wisdom allowed him to be impressionble by most of the Order (Except Herostrat's interest in seeing Sid on a Pyre).


Was great to play along side as Jon and Andrew for a time. =]

The Old Hack

Sid was awesome. Kara liked him and trusted him. A very, very cool character and one I was glad to play with.

Stereotypical as this sounds, I am looking forward to the next one!



For some reason I always thought he was a monk..

What the hell is wrong with me.


Great character Domare. For me he was always the perfect Order convert.

Winston Martin

Good work friend, I liked Sid.


Quote from: domare;303248(Except Herostrat's interest in seeing Sid on a Pyre).

I wouldn't have thought he was a low WIS PC, but I guess it was the subtler things, nicely done.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


The end of an era.

I'm glad Walt decided to recommend he got given a second chance. Sid certainly made the most of it.

Spiffy Has

Should have burned him. No one gets to outshine my Order PCs. :(


Had good times with Sid on Thenson. I don't know how many times we were enemies then friends then enemies. Always wanted to keep you alive so I would have someone to at least question what the obviously evil rogue actually wanted.